Topics / #hype


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37 posts

Another CW- hopping on the hype train?

Christopher Ward released something, new. Yey. There are 136 vid reviews of it by now. In a month there will be 1088. Great stuff 👌🏻👏🏻……..

Does your impulse buying extend beyond watches?

I blame Peter Kotsa. Not really. I was enthralled upon watching his review of one of the newer Henry Archer watches. I checked the website and they we...

How Rolex Watches Put Peru President In Political Hot Water

Let's be honest... someone got pissed because this lady has an AD connection to get all the Rolex models she wants. Of course having more than one new...
Monday Sun-day with the Moonswatch Sun. Had it for over a year but this is the first time I wear it outside and about… Switch the top and bottom parts...

Is there a watch that you just don't get?

Time to get sacrilegious folks! Is there an iconic or universally loved watch that you just don't get? For me it's the Submariner, particularly a mode...

Your "why is there no hype?" Watch

What watch confuses you because it isn't hype? The watch you are confused why more people don't love or gets more attention? For me, it's the baume et...
This Mission to Pluto is a numbers watch! Gift from my lovely wife because I fell for the hype and wanted one… so; 10 in sentimental value 11 in diffi...

A look back to 1986 🥸

My Father served most of his life in the fine jewelry business and recalls selling many stainless/gold submariners for 1200$ in the late 70s and early...

Underrepresented watches

Everyone knows a watch or two they think deserve a lot more publicity. For me the Nivada F77 is one of them. It fits perfectly into the integrated spo...

The Hype Works (Apparently)

Friends, if you don’t think the Swatch Group hype machine doesn’t know what it’s doing, you are sorely mistaken. I’ve never seen Blancpain trend anywh...