How Rolex Watches Put Peru President In Political Hot Water

Let's be honest... someone got pissed because this lady has an AD connection to get all the Rolex models she wants. Of course having more than one new Rolex watch is a scandal if you're not a Hollywood A Lister


I'm more concerned about Freddy Krueger leering at her from the top left. Having one too many Rolex may be the least of her problems.


What a great watch story! Max should have her on as his next Anachronist guest.


I loved my time in Peru. I’m not running for president there but if I did I would probably wear an F91W-1 or a Square.


I'm more concerned about Freddy Krueger leering at her from the top left. Having one too many Rolex may be the least of her problems.

LOL! 😂😂😂