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8 posts
Cool thing about working from home is that I get to rotate as many watches as I want during the day 🤪🍻🚀

How many female crunchers are here?

I’m keen to know the amount of female crunchers/whorlogists😉🤨😏 in this app. If you’re a dude please pick answer :nerd watch cruncher and if you’re a dudette please answer : geek watch cruncher. If...
28 votes ·

Waltham on Gyeongseong Creatures (Netflix)

Somewhat of an odd shoutout, in the beginning scenes of Gyeongseong Creatures, a Waltham watch appears on screen is given an oddly large amount of sho...

Geeking out at PAX AUS

Watches & gaming = good times
My digitial choice for bedtime. Good old Casio calculator watch.

Ventura GGT/Meetup

Please join us for some classic geekery. We will be meeting at One More Time followed by dinner in town. RSVP only, please contact me to confirm. @Rome1234 @TheSharperTheBetter @Half_Life @street.cred...
Dec 2
Ventura, CA, US
Sat, December 2 · 2:00 PM PST

Who’s cooking today, and what are you wearing?

I have a kitchen watch, but I’m winging it today with the pammy. I cook for the entire week on Sunday and it’s pure pleasure. Are you cooking or grill...

Furnace for blueing hands

Just thought I'd post this, a mate of mine works in fabrication and this is his latest job - the title says what it is. Apparently it's for Rolex. Of...

We ALL have a Favorite….

I know we are supposed to love all our children the same but come on… You know you have a favorite watch? what is yours? Currently, mine is my black b...

Geek stuff with your geek stuff

Most of us are geeky about more than watches. Lemme see pics of your watches with your other geeky hobbies.