New member here on WC. Hope to make some new watch buds!

Hi gang. 

A watch buddy on another forum recommended this site to me, so here I am. I've actually tried to step away from watches for a bit after a Summer with a crazy buying spree and a vacation where I spent more time thinking about and taking pictures of watches than I should have. I've actually stepped back from the hobby a little bit and trying to sell a few pieces, so signing up on a new site to talk watches may not be the best idea in the world... that said, I'm trying to stay disciplined and just enjoy talking about watches rather than always buying and selling as much as I have done in the past.

I've always loved watches, but more than that, the concept of time and space and the universe and all of that has fascinated me for as long as I can remember. 

I hope to contribute with posts here and there. Glad to be here. 


I’m sure people here will be happy to talk you out of buying any more watches. 

Obviously I’m kidding, but I think you’ll find some good watch conversations and information here. Welcome. 


Welcome to the crunch 🤝glad to have ya, We can't enjoy looking at your watch without you!!




Glad you came over Jacob!


Welcome! Looking forward to your future posts.


welcome to the wc my friends


#welcome ”You can check out any time you like. But you can never leave" - Eagles. A timeless line but so true. 
You cannot let go of your true love - Watches


Hello!  Hope you like the crunchiness!


Welcome!  Sometimes a little break (from buying) is needed...  Added 3 pieces (Rolex AK, Longines 190th & Montblanc Orbis Terrarum) to my collection over the past 40 days 🤒


Welcome to WC from the Far East! 😉


This is a good place to chat and share pix. People write about their current collection as much if not more than new acquisitions. Hope you enjoy!


Welcome aboard. 


Welcome to the Crunch!


Welcome and enjoy yourself! 🍻


Welcome to the Crunch!


Welcome to the club. Funny enough I actually do come here in the hopes of controlling my watch buying spree!

And not to mention dreaming of that special 5 watch collection!


Welcome to WC.


Welcome to WC! 🍻 


Great introduction!


Welcome to crunchy town. 😎


If this is a cry for help, you probably won’t find any of us who will talk you down from buying more watches…if you’re looking for a bunch of enablers, welcome to the club! I jest…I’m trying to be a bit more disciplined myself with watch purchases (at least that’s what I keep telling myself after “just one more watch” 😂)


Welcome to the club! Look forward to seeing your collection!


Welcome to WC! Looking forward to seeing pics of your collection.


Welcome 🥳

Yeah, might not be the best idea, but I have a small collection that is "finnished", no more buying or selling.

So it is possible to part take without going crazy 😊






welcome mate. 


Welcome fellow physicist! 


Wow thanks so much for the warm welcome!! 🙏😀


I’m in the same boat. I have my eye on one more watch for the year and then I’m taking 12-18 months off any new watches. I’m looking forward to letting go of the possibility of my next purchase for a while and just enjoy conversation on mine and other’s pieces. Welcome!!