WatchCrunch New Year Giveaway !

Happy New Year ๐ŸŽ‰ The team at WatchCrunch is grateful that we've been able to create this refuge for the watch community.ย 

You are what makes this place great, and we want to celebrate your positivity by doing a New Years giveaway of these wonderful lil suede watch pouches.

Simply post a comment on your feedback on things we can improve, features we can add, or what you'd like to see on the platform in the coming year!ย 

If you are just getting here, you can also simply introduce yourself ๐Ÿ˜. We will choose 5 people out of a hat in a weeks time and send you a message if you've won.

Stay well and let's keep this place welcoming for all.


Happy new year!

Just started my journey here, so I wanna see some unique pieces on enthusiasts wrists from all around the world :)


I love the WatchCrunch watch refuge Max, great work ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ. The fact that I can learn while having fun with other watch hobbiests and collectors is truly great!

Here to learn and contribute,

  • Nelson a.k.a SVW ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ‘

I'd like to see the WatchCrunch community continue to grow. The more people involved, the more viewpoints and ideas can be shared. I really enjoy the watch hobby, and use sites like WatchCrunch to discover new and interesting brands and models that I might otherwise miss.ย 


Been meaning to sign on and what better way to start the new year than to join a watch community and hopefully win one of the giveaways too!ย 

Iโ€™m a musician and multimedia artist who collects watches you can find some @ticktockshapesย 


Very high quality dialogue here, well done. ย Is there an app? ย That would be neat. ย 


Love the platform thus far (though I just signed up yesterday), the interface feels fresh and easy to navigate! I've always found the typical forums a bit clunky to move around, and its nice to have a platform specifically developed for this particular community.

On that note, one thing that I think would be pretty nice is if you could further develop the profile pages since I think you are looking to encourage folks to follow one another. Some ideas might be:

  1. Q/A section of standard or general questions meant to further elaborate on the person's background in order for potential followers to learn more about the individual. For example, What was your first watch?, If you were forced own just one watch?, Who is your favorite follow for watch content?, Who is your favorite watch photographer?, etc.
  2. Section dedicated to a person's collection (or portion of, top 5 prized pieces, top 12 pieces?).
  3. I haven't been quite able to add photos in a way that doesn't make them small. Think a more robust photo upload would be nice even if you have to limit resolution. More tools to manage it on the user end is always preferred.

Thats it for now - again fantastic job thus far. Feels like a breath of fresh air!


Happy new year! Glad I found this place! (Shout out to the link on @benswatchclubโ€™s website.) Iโ€™m by no means an expert and have only recently picked up the hobby in earnest, and this feels like a great place to become more knowledgeable.ย 

Basically, Iโ€™m just happy to be here. Everyone has been very nice and welcoming, which is really refreshing, since we all know what cesspools forums can devolve into. My friends look at me like I have corn growing out of my ears whenever I start talking about watches, so Iโ€™m looking forward to being a part of this community as it grows and meeting some new watch enthusiasts!ย 

That said, I second @bevelwerksโ€™s suggestion for a Q&A section. It would be nice to have a good way to get a snapshot of what weโ€™re all into. ๐Ÿ˜Š




Very high quality dialogue here, well done. ย Is there an app? ย That would be neat. ย 

An app would be nice for sure.ย 


Big fan of the format as it is, but a โ€œstickyโ€ feature for popular/large threads (like the Introductions, for example) would be very nice ย as the site grows. Also maybe a separate section for reviews and for sale/trade? Thanks for everything youโ€™ve put into it thus far!


I am still new to the platform, so still getting used to it. I am looking forward to being more active in this community though!ย 


one small thing, whenever we hit the bell/notification icon, make the red number disappear instead of having to click "show more"


Love the community that's being built up at WatchCrunch.

In terms of a site improvement suggestion, I would ask that the comments section be updated to allow for a threaded view. ย At the moment, it's hard for me to tell who's replying to which comment.


Happy new year!

First I have to give a praise. From the beginning on, the WatchCrunch page has been very professional in terms of its usability. But a thing I am really missing is real-time notifications on my phone. A native app could solve this problem easily!

Keep up the great work and thanks for building this platform for us enthusiasts!


I like this site. Keep up the great work! I'm still trying to figure out how to post photos from Imgur so a tutorial section would be nice and a Preview button would be appreciated. Cheers!


Hello, I'm Hannah.

Wrist check: Smiths Navigator PRS-48.

New to the forum, not sure what I would suggest just yet. It will be nice to interact with other enthusiasts.

Be well, be safe.


Hi @Max,

love this community so far! Two things I'd like to see: an mobile app and for replies in comment's to show up in sub-threads instead of at the bottom of the lists (like how they work on Youtube or IG).


Keep building on it. ย Loving it so far!


An app would be awesome. All the content has been informative and positive.ย 


Iโ€™m new here and liking it so far. I agree an app would be nice. Thanks!ย 


Hello there !ย 

This site is great, It could be great to have an App and also when we do a new post to create surveys. It could be usefull.ย 

Best regards,


What about having a vote for the watch of the month posted and ending with a vote for watch of the year posted. Doesn't need to be the most expensive or flashy, been to the Moon or Everest. Just a great watch that we would love to have and wear.


Thanks everyone for your suggestions! ย They will all be taken into consideration, so keep em coming ๐Ÿ‘Œ

We are putting the finishing touches on the "my collection" feature for your profile, stay tuned ๐Ÿ˜‰

Thank you @WatchCrunch for this safe haven. I always feel weird posting watch related content in my Facebook and Instagram feeds.ย 
Happy New Year! Cheers to allย 



I just recently discovered WatchCrunch from your YouTube channels about a week ago. ย In my spare time, I surf YouTube and watch a lot of watch videos (my wife would say to way too many ๐Ÿ˜•). ย My favorite channels are Bruce Williams, The Urban Gentry, Watchbox, Jenni Elle, Teddy Baldassare, Bark & Jack, Just One More Watch and Nico Leonard. ย WatchCrunch with Max is just as good as any of those channels and I appreciate your unique perspective.


I feel like a feed where you can see posts from people you follow wihtout hashtags you follow could be cool and would encourage people to try to have a following on here. Also, as stated before, an app is a must in my opinion. I'd rather have a notification hen someone comment on my post than the email i get everytime.

Happy new year to your staff and everyone on the plateform, i look forward to continue posting and interracting with you all :)


Loving this forum! Yes, agree with some of the comments already. An app would be brilliant for the phone. Eventually, a for sale corner where people could buy and sell safely! Too many horror stories out there already, although it would take a lot of time and resources, having a place where certain criteria HAS to be met to provide a safe haven for all users would be the best.ย 


Hello everyone, Dave from Seattle here. Great platform, glad to join you!


Hi there. Just joined today, hope I'm not too late for the giveaway!


Hi there. Just joined today, hope I'm not too late for the giveaway!

Just joined as well, sorry to hijack your comment!

Really love this initiative and I'm excited to see how this platform is going to grow. Here's my feedback on areas on improvement:

  1. I'm not really sure if anyone is experiencing the same issues as I am, but I'm having difficulty clicking on the main reply button on threads so I hope that's something that can be fixed.

2. Also, it's taking awhile for pages to load especially when customizing results (i.e. sorting replies from newest -> oldest and vice versa), so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it'll be sorted out eventually!


Brewer here. New to WatchCrunch and the hobby with an anniversary pair I bought a couple months ago: Cartier Santos Medium and Grand Seiko SLGA007. We intentionally got two the wife and I both like, so in the morning she'll wear her preference and I'll wear the other.

(Image failed to load!)

Dig this new site and the spirit of the community: keep it positive and fun.


  1. ย dark mode
  2. ย signature lines
  3. ย notifications for new replies when a post is bookmarked (or some other "follow" feature)

Thanks, Max!


One of the sections that I think might be nice for this site is a buy/sell section with a minimum number of posts requirement so as to minimize the fraudsters. ย There are a lot of knowledgeable nice people on this site and it would be great to put this type of section up.