What do you think of the Hamilton Ventura?

I must say that I find it quite attractive even if the price is a bit steep. As a one statement piece in the collection it is consistent

Elvis Mid-Century Gold!

Fell in love with this the moment I saw it! The new Ventura Blue, influenced by Elvis’ “Blue Suede Shoes”. Love that the strap is actually blue suede.

New Blue Dial Hamilton Ventura Watches

It's blue Ham time with Elvis man - it just doesn't get any better! I was just within the last month said to someone I wish Hamilton would come out wi...

R.I.P. Carl Weathers

Not just a movie star but a genuine lover of the Hamilton Ventura... and the Casio AQW. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-68188746
If I could only have one this is it. Love the Ham. Ventura Elvis80s! Have an awesome Tuesday. 🎯

I caved

The watch the taught me not to follow trends and say f*ck it to haters opinions. Wears like a dream, did buy it new but with a warranty card nearly a...

Hamilton Ventura Year of the Dragon

I've had a love for the ventura for a long time, but this dragon... I'm partial to dragons and it's also the year of the dragon (Feb 10th lunar new ye...

Me & My Wife Wrist Shot

Rare night out with my wife, she is rocking her dad’s 1990s OP Date, I have the early Christmas present Ventura from her

Early Christmas Present

Not totally new, it arrived quite a few weeks ago and I had a sneak preview then but it’s not been worn before tonight. It’s a Christmas present from...
Hamilton Ventura Chronograph This one's a real vintage-styled Sci-Fi watch.