Topics / #storytelling


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42 posts

Story Time!

So for context I’m 18 Y/O and I work at a trampoline park as a cafe manager. So today while I was working the front of my cafe I was taking this mans...

Jaguar J297/2

This watch was my birthday present. I was wanting to buy a watch for my birthday and i bought not this watch, but automatic Claude Bernard gold plated...

Mall Trips, Small Diameter Omegas, and Musings on Fatherhood: An Unconventional Father’s Day “Letter”

I’m sure it comes as a surprise to absolutely no one that my interest in watches was largely influenced by my father. Among my fondest childhood memor...

Seiko Saturday

Story time. I found this quartz piece at my local thrift store for 2$. Needed a battery, so I replaced it. I wore it for one day and put it in the box...

Darkroom Prints & F. P. Journe

This picture always makes me chuckle when I scroll past it on my phone. To paint you a picture, the year was 2018, I'd just graduated from college and...

An inexpensive watch from my collection that is priceless for me

My grandpa passed away a year and a half ago right before my birthday he had prepared a bit of cash to give me as a birthday present so I bought mysel...

The Watchman: Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse in Switzerland

So I asked ChatGPT to write a story about zombie apocalypse in Switzerland and the main character love to wear watch and will buy all the holy trinity...

Journey into watches

A question that’s asked often: how did you get into watches? For me, I remember looking at all the shiny pretty watches behind glass at Walmart. At ar...

How Did We Get Here??

Since the "About" portion of WC profiles doesn't really facilitate a narrative format, I thought I'd highlight my "watch journey" so far in an actual...

A Special Watch for a special friend💙

Hi watchfam, So i have a story to tell: Spending silvester with my favorite couple and celebreating her birthday, we also talked about watches. They k...