Topics / #scotland


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9 posts
Still wearing the Divex Subsea7
Out hiking with my friend for pretty much the day - a tough, tough day with quite challenging conditions: hail, knee deep snow and lots of rain. Mount...

Travel Watch - About Vintage 1926 At'Sea

Almost one week in with the @AboutVintage 1926 At'Sea travel watch, and I'm sure going to miss it when my turn is over. The weather has been miserable...
An Ordain Fabrik Salmon dial. Any love for this model?

Travel Watch - About Vintage

Another day wearing the @AboutVintage 1926 At'Sea. A typical Scottish morning here with sleet and snow. Photos here are by Loch Leven, overlooked by B...

Scots Crunchers

Having been resident on WC for a few months now, I realise just how diverse & multi-national the community is. This thread is however purely a cal...

Traveling for a watch

Ever come up with a crazy idea that just makes so much sense in your head that you say it out loud to your spouse and they immediately light up and sa...

#watchjourney2023 N.E. of Scotland Leg

Thanks to Russ @Stracerwatches23 I am now the temporary but proud custodian of the Casio MRW. It has safely made it across the border and awaits the a...

#watchjourney2023 my Casio watch travelling round the world.

Hello Watch Friends thank you so much to Russ, the start I wanted and it's working 😀 hopefully the friendly swap will continue through the rest of th...

Custom tartan strap from Aaron Bespoke

Ever get a strap just to match one tie? Being possessed of a McSurname and some fractional Scottish heritage, I frequently wear this loud hand-me-down...