Topics / #influencers


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16 posts

Do you feel like watch media and influencers are shilling for the industry?

I have noticed that pretty much every watch influencer, as well as most of the watch media, is pushing the narrative that smaller case sizes are the next ‘must’ have / go to. I’m increasingly of the o...
340 votes ·

"YouTube Watch People" Drawing Series - 1 to 6

Can't fit all of them in a single post...

Be honest!

Are you a true diehard watch collector. What did you see first!
77 votes ·

Why Seiko?

I want to clarify upfront that I have no issues with the Seiko brand; in fact, I own three of their watches. Recently, I wrote a post on Purchase Infl...

Purchase Influencers

As much as we may not want to believe that we can be influenced into making purchasing decisions, there are too many factors to ignore. Here are just...


How many of us buy because of you tube influencers? I have and I’m sure a few of you did too. So what are they selling . We see that almost all the wa...

When were you awakened to the watch universe?

What moment/person/YouTube video/watch opened your mind to the entire hobby of watch collecting?

Good Chuckle

Just saw an article on Goggle News. Seems a YouTuber, a MrBeast, claimed to have acquired a new gold Rolex then went into a pawn store to see what he...

Social Media Platforms Shaping Watch Trends & Watch Enthusiast Community

Social media platforms have had a significant impact on shaping watch trends and fostering the watch enthusiast community in several positive ways: Ac...

What would your watch niche be if you made your own social media channel?

Social Media isn't for everybody and producing content at the highest levels is a full-time job (and for many it's a lovely side hustle that they are...