Topics / #collector


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40 posts

State of the collection

Here is the state of my collection. Had to put my Eco drives and solars on the windowsill to charge and need to organize them. I have had  some of the...

Rolex CPO program.

This is how I imagine it going.   "I would like a new Sub please.  They are $9000 right?" "Yes they are but we do not have stock. We can put you on a...

Anybody catch this release?

Very tempted to try and pick one of these bad they are so limited!. I love the case shape and handset..seems to work well with the overall them...

I use to "Pause" movies to identify the watch the actor is wearing!

I have to confess! Is really hard for me to watch a movie without pressing the pause button to see what watch the actor is wearing hahahaha... And I d...

Seagull or Sea-Gull 1963?

I’ve decided to just ignore whatever that’s been reported about being the genuine or official or authentic 1963. I just love how it feels and looks on...

First Post / Introduction

Hey everybody! My name is Luke and I am a college student in West TN. I have been 'collecting' watches since late elementary school, but still know al...


Happy Saturday!  How many of you have sub-collections within your main collection? This could be by brand (e.g., a handful of Seiko) or by function (e...

Apparently I collect these.

It started back in 2014, when I thought it would be cool to get an orange watch....  Then in 2016 my gf(now wife) gave me a BMW themed Nato that didnt...

WC help!

Hi guys and gals, In a previous post I commented on the fact that I was trying to restore my dad’s old Wittnauer. I don’t think I have to do much othe...

The collection to end all collections

I'm sure many here saw this already, if not, it's the ultimate high-end watch collection.  I don't know what it is about seeing a watch collection whe...