Topics / #boxes


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18 posts

Watch box boxing box box!

So, here I am boxing up my watch boxes in a box. A box of boxes. It was a good exercise as it made me reconsider what boxes I wanted to keep and why....

How Do You Organize Your Watch Box?

I organize by brand. The Omegas, the Hamiltons, etc.
336 votes ·

I got a new watch box.... 🤩 (this is not a SOTC...).

🎉 I have just purchased a new watch box that holds up to **24 watches**! With my new purchase, I now have **13 new spots** in my watch collection. An...

What do you guys use for watch boxes?

I'm personally still using an Amazon one but have always been curious about what make's a good one good?

Watch Box?

“Visual” is one of the main stimuli of our watch hobby. Seeing watches in a well organized fashion is very satisfying I’m not sure if there’s already...

Luxury Watch Hot Take

My response to @Hamza1 post ( will just get buried there... My hot take... Box & papers now don't...
69 votes ·

Watch box build

I saw this topic come up and thought I would share what I came up with. I am a designer, and so I am programmed to question convention.  My approach w...

my watch shelf

my watch shelf the shelf and the boxes cost enuf on their own lol