Topics / #collectors


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80 posts

whats your watch collection story

interested in the story behind your collection

Watch enthusiast rules

I'll just leave it here. Don't remember which YT channel I got it from, though 😅🤷🏿 Is it from @watchfinderofficial 🤔??

State Of The Collection (8/6/2023)

I always liked watches. But I never had a passion for them. I bought my 1st traditional (non-fashion watch) watch in March of last year(2022). That wa...

Downsizing a watch collection

Right now I own 14 watches but I am going to be down sizing to 5, cutting my collection down by half. I wanted to tell you guys why I think downsizing...

1969 Wittnauer Electronic

For about one year now I have gotten deeper into repairing the early swissonic electrodyne movements made by ESA. What is fascinating about them is th...

Casio... WHY?

Let's be real for a moment ok. Most Casios are cheap watches built cheaply and sold cheap. There are some top of line ones that aren't but for the mos...

Michel Herbalin

I was skiing in Austria just before Covid and this watch caught my eye so I bought it, until that day I had heard of them but never checked out there...

Collector VS Enthusiast

At what point do you consider yourself an 'enthusiast' more than an actual 'collector?' Since falling down the watch rabbit hole in 2020, I've had the...

Timekeeping Mastery

Watches are the embodiment of mankind's quest to conquer time. We are captivated by the intricacies of watchmaking, the precise movements and mechanis...

To Build or To Mod?!! That is the Question!

So thanks to Per, @YourIntruder , that triggered this thought in my tiny brain, I have been procrastinating this build and since I have started moddin...