Topics / #collectors


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81 posts

Windup Watch Fair - San Francisco

It’s more than a month out but I thought I put out the Bat Signal. Who’s attending or at least thinking about attending Wind Up SF? The last time I at...

Do you believe in the general idea of an exit [watch]?

Let me explain - I've had various hobbies over the years and have a theory that each one has a primary arc with different stages. Once that arc has been sufficiently explored, it begins to close. For...
201 votes ·

Tudor heritage blue

Great looking time piece, this watch looks great work or play

Saturday night Swap

Time for some strap changes. Makes them feel new all over again!! Anyone else changing some straps tonight?

Longines Spirit 37 - Alternatives

I've been absolutely loving the new Longines Spirit. But - want to make sure I'm giving myself a full overview of what's out there. What are some Spir...

Omega Only Collection - What Are Your Picks?

If you had only Omega to choose from, what pieces would you include in a 4 piece collection? Wondering specifically on solid GADAs, Divers and Dress o...

Creating your shortlist

As I create my shortlist for my 23/24 purchase I have noted a theme… like many of us I would imagine we add delete add delete. There is one anomaly, w...

Would You Be interested in a SOTC Thread?

This thread could be updated as often as a person would like.
65 votes ·

Would you rather buy one really nice watch or have a few less expensive watches?

85 votes ·

How many watches REALLY speak to you?

I've thought about this a lot over the years, when I see people posting pictures of watches and absolutely raving about how good they look... and I th...