Topics / #bremontwatches


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22 posts
My trusty Bremont S502 Jet. I’ve been wearing this daily since I got it a couple of months ago. I might update my first impressions review on it if an...

Bremont Redesign

With Bremont destroying their logo, will we see a redesign of the Watch Crunch badge as well?

Bremont is in trouble.

Bremont is in trouble. After building an impressive reputation and garnering lots of investment, their watches are overpriced and investors are gettin...
Still on the road with my favorites, today it’s the ALT1-ZT/51. Hope you all are having a good start to the week!
More Bremont S502 Jet with wrist accessories.

Bremont redesign

Please can somebody pass-on to the owners of Bremont how shockingly awful the new designs are. The attempted rebrand is dreadful. Truly dreadful. Brem...

Bremont in the Financial Times. It's bleaker than we thought.

A lot of interesting information on the affairs and ownership of the company here in this article. It's quite eye opening really. Things seem bleaker...

Bremont changes design language to seek a wider appeal

Here we are, Bremont's new brand direction: Terra Nova. Thoughts?

Interested to get a pulse on this from people on here. Fan's are you pleased? Non Bremont fans, have they done enough to get your attention?

New Bremont logo apparently leaked. I'm hoping it isn't true.

There have been some leaks of what might actually be the new Bremont logo. What are your thoughts?

Bremont Event this week!

Hi Crunchers, just want to highlight there is still time to Signup for our Meetup and Event at Bremont this Thursday evening. It's at their flagship M...