Topics / #12


Welcome to #12. Make sure to follow and join the discussion!

3 posts
It's a beautiful sunny and warm day in my neck of the woods. A beautiful day to post #12 for the prerequisite of the #1wc . This also may be the #1wc...
My son got this for me last Xmas. Even though there is a big Roman #12 there I still tend to read it wrong because it’s not in the 12 o’clock position...

CW 12 Ti

So, this the latest addition to the collection. Ordered in May, delivered this morning. I have to say I'm absolutely thrilled with it. It's omfg beaut...

Date Window Placement - 12 oclock?!

Little slow at work today, decided to browse watches online. I am not a Movado guy and don't plan to buy this watch, but the placement of the date was...

Thanks for welcoming me in!

I couldn't seem to reply or add a comment to the Welcome post. So, I'll just do it here. Name is Wing. Just a simple watch enthusiast just like the re...