Should every cruncher who does not mention their wrist size on their profile page be severely punished ?

289 votes ·

It’s not cool to point out those who try to compensate for a small wrist size with a big, flashy timepiece.


Are you trying to compensate for something? :-) I never measured my wrist before joining WC


Love the illustration, maybe a tad harsh tho...


Who hurt you? 😉



Following you for an entire week will be their punishment.


It’s not cool to point out those who try to compensate for a small wrist size with a big, flashy timepiece.

Um, a big watch will only accentuate a small wrist.


I agree. I hate having to ask people their wrist size. I always go to their profile to check but it’s never listed. When it’s listed, it allows me to see how a particular Watch may fit on my wrist.


The comments here are golden!!


I agree. I hate having to ask people their wrist size. I always go to their profile to check but it’s never listed. When it’s listed, it allows me to see how a particular Watch may fit on my wrist.

I’d agree if we could settle on the metric system.


Um, a big watch will only accentuate a small wrist.

You know that, I know that. The law here is to tell everyone that everything looks great and to wear what they like, so this is all pointless.

It's voluntary info. If one is flashing photos online though, I feel that they've rather forfeited their right to privacy on that matter. But I oppose mandatory disclosures nonetheless.


I think more punishable should be wrist size exaggeration...


There are only whole inch increments.


You know that, I know that. The law here is to tell everyone that everything looks great and to wear what they like, so this is all pointless.

It's voluntary info. If one is flashing photos online though, I feel that they've rather forfeited their right to privacy on that matter. But I oppose mandatory disclosures nonetheless.

This poll is first joke, second a reminder for those willing to share this information that they can on their profile page 😉


Actually, can I get a badge for unlisting my wrist size? I'll do it.


If the site allowed something other than numerals I would put PSW (Perfectly Sized Wrist). It is known.


Are we comparing sizes? Of wrists I mean 😉


Checks own profile. Oops. Fixed now. 😄


i hope they cleaned out that pizza oven afterwards ...


I never measured my wrist before until I bought my first custom strap.

And now everyone knows in my WC profile.


I don't need to know everyone's wrist size. I think mine's in my profile but I doubt anyone has ever noticed it.


Can’t believe I never filled out that part of my profile. Hahaha. It has been rectified!! 🤣😅


I start my measurement from the butthole and WC doesn't support that high of a measurement.


If I am looking into getting a watch that someone on here is wearing it is nice to see sizes. Thanks!


Mine fluctuates depending on temperature or by what I eat. I put 7 1/2" when I first started Crunchin' as a happy medium. 😉


I bet your Google searches consist of " what is average of.."





I’m going to add my wrist size RIGHT now!


Why does it matter? I wear 36mm Explorer to a Panerai.


Telling me I have to, would be the greatest reason not to do it.


Eyeballing mine is around 7 inches but I've never measured properly. I just wear what I like whether it's 36mm or 46mm