Top ways you’re most likely to damage your watch

For me:

  1. Desk diving: scratches on the bracelet / clasp from typing and working at my desk and on my laptop

  2. Electric seat adjustments in the car: scratching the watch when reaching in between the seat and the car door

  3. Doors: swinging my arm as I walk through the threshold of a door and accidentally bumping my watch against the door frame

Of course, we say that all damage is just showing the life we’ve lived with our watches and adds character. But still, we try to be careful when we can.

Now you go… What are the ways in which you’re most likely to scratch or damage your watch, or situations in which you tend to be more careful?


Laptops scratch bracelets and buckles. I drape my T-shirt on the edge of the left side of the laptop when I am working.


My kids hammering the watch with a Lego or car 😭


Door handles, or any other protrusions.


Add dropping to the list, I've managed to do that one more than once.


Car belt - when grabbing it to fasten seat belt I hit metal male part of the buckle with my watch. Doors are great watch destroyers too ( frame, handle ... ).


Clasp rubs on my aluminum-magnesium laptop case. At least this is a fun test of which materials are harder or softer than magnesium.


Side wall of the house. If I exit via the side (kitchen) door and turn left towards the garden I can scuff them. I've done it twice, fortunately with the same watch weeks apart, so I only needed to replace one crystal.

I've also scuffed two against some rough wood, but as they were acrylic they buffed straight out.


I'm not and it never ceases to amaze me how many times I find a door jamb with my wrist, ESPECIALLY when I'm wearing my Lunar Pilot and it's HUGE top hat...🫠


Believe it or not, I will add puppies and daughters.

And sand, it gets everywhere and loves to swirl up my Hesalite.....


Door handles, door knobs, and chairs seem to be what always gets me.

I've learned to type so my watch rarely contacts the computer.


Scraping acrylic crystal against a wall while trying to navigate a crowd is also one.


I found closing kitchen cupboards or hitting the inside-top of a drawer are bad for me. I started taking my watches off now when I cook.


Door jambs are my Vietnam. And I was in Vietnam.


Scooping thinset out of a bucket with a trowel while setting tile. My 124300 took a beating. I had the crystal replaced once already and now the new one is scratched up. I retired it from that kind of work now. Poor thing. Scratched up and its bracelet won't even fit right. If only I knew it was going to shoot up in value.


The side gate to my house when I get home from work. It’s spring-loaded, opens out and to the left, and closes quickly, which means holding out your hand as you go through… and a big metal latch right at wrist height 🫣


I'm not and it never ceases to amaze me how many times I find a door jamb with my wrist, ESPECIALLY when I'm wearing my Lunar Pilot and it's HUGE top hat...🫠

I feel your pain, brother 🤝


For me, it's metal handrails. I swing my arms and smack the crystal head on. I've damaged several that way :/


The crystal striking/scrapping against something metal


Unloading a dishwasher at work.

No. 1 absolute killer of watches is moshpits. Although that hasn't been a problem since I started wearing g shocks.


The cutter-edge on a roll of plastic wrap or aluminum foil. That little cutter edge got me bracelet a nice little scratch once or twice.