Topics / #stauer


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11 posts
My Pa just handed down this automatic Stauer Noire to me. He's had it for 15+ years and it's seen the high mileage of a traveling businessman. I did a...

Yes I did! Stauer “1930 Dashtronic”

I bought the STAUER “1930 Dashtronic” on a whim, thinking I would return it after I checked it out. Well, I opened the box and was stunned on how beau...

Stauer 1930

Nothing like listening to vinyl with a gun watch. I have no idea what the 1930 means or if it's just a gimmick but i love wearing this watch. Jump hou...

The Stauer “timemaster piezo”

Why not? This is my third Stauer! To me they are fun collectible watches, that bring me back to simpler times. My first Stauer was the 1934 Dashtronic...

Does My Watch Have A Real Version?

My dad bought this Stauer for me when I was 20 and started showing interest in watches. 13 years later I still enjoy it, and it’s a staple in my colle...

An Unexpected Surprise

I’ve seen the name “Stauer” pop up a few times on eBay and Amazon while watch browsing, but I never looked into the brand specifically, or any of thei...

I cannot believe that Time & Tide is promoting this total POS watch!

Checking my emails before crashing...always up for a good article from T&T...then I see this headline and article... Cheap Bastard: The Stauer 193...

Stauer - The Daily Chronograph Review

This is the “Daily Chronograph” made by a company called Stauer. If you’ve never heard of Stauer, it’s probably because you have taste and class. I ow...

Stauer The Daily Chronograph

2.2 Avg. Score

Stauer Castile

This one came in today. Much better looking in person. I love the textured face. 

New watch. 😁😆

Stauer Timemaster Piezo. Gotta loves sales. 😆