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8 posts
My new favorite by #spaghettiscameti #icon Blackmail Bolognese. I have received so many compliments on this thing! It seems like people tend pair it w...

Let's rebuild the middleman!

Calling all Spaghetti Scameti owners, which bit of the middleman did you get? I'm not sure if my body part is an eyeball, a spleen, or part of a liver...
Mamamia this looks great 🍝

They said you should never meet your heroes...

...but the Spaghetti Scameti has finally arrived. What can I say? I have lusted for this watch for years, but none were available for sale. In fact, I...

The 90’s Icon

I got this watch for myself a few years back and later shared it with a newly joined colleague as a gesture of goodwill. Subsequently, I decided to pr...
Clouds reflecting off of a well worn 1998 Seiko SKX009. May your Labor Day be labor free but hats off to those out there keeping all the plates spinni...

Vibiest watch ever?

What is the purest vibed watch of all time? I'm talking so cool only Jimi Hendrix could wear it. Only Sean Penn's character in the Secret Life of Walt...

What makes a watch become an icon and when does this happen??

Second try to post this post. What makes a watch an icon? And when does this happen? The person wearing the watch, the innovation, the functionality?...

Watch of the week...

This week giving my Tiffany dial 😆 Doxa Sub300T aquamarine an airing. This is my most recent watch purchase in the summer last year. On the bracelet...

The legend that is

The F-91W  Nice looking but maybe a tad small for some, looks classic Casio Will always be a Casio icon Who love this one?