Topics / #gift


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138 posts
Dear WatchCrunch Family , I am delighted to present my most prized possession: the L & Co Timepiece Men's Chronograph Watch. This watch is not jus...
As I consider my watch collection today, the convergence of technology and sustainability stands out. The Invicta watch, with its vintage allure and D...

Swiss & Japanese love ❤️

A Seiko that my girlfriend gave me and a Darwil that I gave her. ❤️ Who is better, Swiss or Japanese? Who cares! Darwil was on a brown strap and now h...
Good morning my friends! Today I dedicate my wruw post to my lovely wife who brought me a beautiful gift from Singapore. She travelled for work about...
As I was getting ready for work today, I stumbled upon a watch I had forgotten about in my drawer. It was a gift, but I couldn't remember who had give...

Present for my mom

I want to give my mom a nice watch for her 59th birthday. Something like this Casio LTP B150D she likes. Any suggestions on maybe other watches that l...

Gift watches for our ladies.

Alright ladies and gents I have a lady friend with a birthday coming up. I need some ideas for a sub $500 watch for her. GO!
The newest addition to the family! A post will follow this weekend 😁

I was gifted a fashion watch...

And I have social pressure to wear it! Actually I was gifted TWO fashion watches by my coworkers as birthday gifts. Besides the akward social pressure...

Citizens Tsuyosa Two Tone

New one added to the collection.