Does the man make the watch Or does the watch make the man?

Curious to hear where everyone lands on this one.




Watches are an accessory, they simply add to something else, the man in this case.

A well paired watch adds to a look, and a poorly paired watch detracts from it.

In the case of the "the clothes make the man", it works because the clothing is more than an accessory, the clothing is the obvious marker of status or profession.


If you're relying on a watch to 'make you' then you're missing something when it comes to personality.


What do either of those even mean?


People often say my microwave oven is something that they always equate with my style and personality


Correct answer: a little bit of column A, and a little bit of column B


Watch definitely doesn’t make the man, but I buy into some stereotypes (benign) 😂, especially when I’m people watching (semi pun) in Las Vegas.


Women, children, and even machines can make watches.

I cannot recall ever thinking higher of a person because of their watch.


What makes a man is the total package. Kindness and understanding, erudition, taking care of himself, being well groomed and well dressed is what sets a man apart from others A good watch is only a very small part of the entire picture.


A POS with an expensive watch is still POS. A good man with a cheap watch is still a good man. That is my opinion.


The man of course. Some of you guys are thinking way too hard on this.


What about the woman?


I never let a watch define me


The factory makes the watch 😁


If you need the watch to make the man, the man needs more than a watch.


Neither; a watch is an impulse or carefully thought out purchase - and neither elevates or lowers a "man." On the other hand what "makes" a man or woman is the content of their character not an accessory on their wrist... Enuf said.


Man invented the watch. A Watch did not invent the man.


It’s a tongue and cheek statement…a watch and a nice pair of shoes makes a man.


A man who is great, stays great even with nothing on his wrist.


Wearing a watch is a choice and we are defined by our choices so superficially its easy to imagine we can see a person wearing a watch, understand their choices and so assess their character. Of course it doesnt work that way as we actually have no clue why any specific person made any particular choice so in the end watches tell us nothing about the person wearing it.

But, personally, I do find the reverse hits me - ie I judge watches by who wears them, particularly in the negative. I find the stink of a watch being worn by a person I have no time for tends to stick.


Now that is an interesting assortment!

I think in this case it's his slightly furrowed brow, belying a slight intensity but also a hint of mysterious troubled past, irresistibly beckoning the ladies to try and unravel it, is what makes the guy


Wear the watch, don't let the watch wear you.


Well, I’ll say a person I know, owns a certain watch brand and because he is such a doucebag I will never buy that brand.

got to admit I feel the same impulse


Neither. Very few men these days, AKA watchmakers, make the watch. Even fewer can pull off the look of wearing nothing but a watch.


the man makes the watch, but even shmucks can have great taste


I think by definition that's circular reasoning...


I have been visiting a well loved Vietnamese Pho restaurant for an embarassing number of years owned and operated by an aged gent who arrived in Canada from a Vietnamese refugee camp in Hong Kong when I was still an undergrad at the downtown university. He wears a lovely gold Rolex D/D while he seats customers and clears the messy tables after. We chat when time allows about our watches, extended families and just life. I am not a fan of Rolex but my friend wears his gold watch well, imo makes the watch.


Only watch nerds can say that a watch makes the man. For the rest of mankind: what watch?


Watches are an accessory, they simply add to something else, the man in this case.

A well paired watch adds to a look, and a poorly paired watch detracts from it.

In the case of the "the clothes make the man", it works because the clothing is more than an accessory, the clothing is the obvious marker of status or profession.

You rock a guitar ... You get all the ladies 😎 That's what I heard 😂