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4 posts
Currently on “the list” for this. I’d lose my mind if I got it.
Greatgrandfather's last watch. I'm so lucky that I was able to get it serviced and keep this piece of history ticking.
Sometimes the basic black is the way to go! OP41

Aknight AK2113G OP Homage Review

Having already reviewed the " celebration dial " version which cheated me of the date complication, I'm not going to repeat myself because it's exactl...

Aknight AK2113G

3.0 Avg. Score

It's a special day! It's my wife's Mae's birthday ❤️ The Rolex Vintage DateJust Came Out to Celebrate 🥳

The love of my life turn the reverse 25 years old today LOL!  I needed to rock something special 😎

So, I visited my son at work today...

It was basically a field trip, since he works at a Rolex AD. All of the models he showed me were beautiful in their own right, I thought the Explorer...

Colorful speculation

Friend dropped is this can of worms with me for the week, and I perked up after watching the watchfinder review this week where he called it  "The bes...