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48 posts

Bites: What sayeth the community? Place holder watches - Great idea? Waste of money?

Happy Tuesday fellow Crunchers! It's been a feisty week here on the Crunch and some fun debates have definitely been had. I love that we are able to l...

Bites: The light and dark side of WatchCrunch - Why Crunchers are the best... and the worst.

Happy Tuesday fellow Crunchers! This week has seen the ongoing devastation wrought by the horrific fires in Hawaii. A number of Crunchers have been po...

Bites: Your secret virtual collection

Happy Tuesday fellow Crunchers! Today I decided to do a watch purge. Not from my actual collection, but from my virtual one. Trawling through eBay lis...

Bites: Appropriation Vs Appreciation: Do you ever have to earn the right to wear a watch?

Happy Tuesday fellow Crunchers! This week I need people's opinions on watch buying etiquette. I'm wondering if there are some watches out there that y...

It's time to snag that watch

Prices for Rolex, Patek Philippe, and Other Luxury Watches Will Continue to Fall, According to Morgan Stanley

Prices for Rolex, Patek Philippe and Other Luxury Watches Will Continue to Fall, According to Morgan Stanley

Bites: Can we learn to improve our taste in watches?

Happy Tuesday fellow Crunchers! I'm not sure how this week's topic is going to go down. It was partially inspired by a previous debate on "Is there su...

NTTimes - It’s Simple: Fewer Watches, Higher Prices

“It’s very clear that the Swiss watch industry has been increasing average prices over the past 10 to 15 years and not the number of watches,” Raynald...

Omega Price Increase - STORY BY BLOOMBERG

Omega raised by a whopping 8 percent in the US – the biggest export market for Swiss timepieces, Morgan Stanley analysts. A move that could hurt sales...

NYT - Article Sunday 23, 2023

The brand said it will make fewer, but more sophisticated, timepieces for higher prices. We are repositioning Louis Vuitton as a general super-high-en...

Bites: How lazy will we let brands be?

Happy Tuesday fellow Crunchers! The new JM x WC watch has had me really questioning watch collaborations recently. Max and Jack have gone to so much e...