Topics / #features


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4 posts

How do you feel about X?

No, I do not want your opinion about the social media platform formerly known as Twitter. I want to communicate how difficult it is for me to reply to...

Overrated/Useless Feature

In your opinion, what is the most overrated/useless feature in watches? Pictured is my Seiko King Turtle Save the Oceans. Love this watch, BUT why the...

What's an absolute deal-breaker for you? The one thing that keeps you from buying a model you otherwise love?

I have a long list of dislikes that I have identified over the last decade of collecting. Among those are a few absolute deal breakers. The rest, well it is rare that a watch have these attributes and...
290 votes ·

Dark Mode is here!

Wanna crunch at night without waking up your SO?  Dark mode got you covered 😉👍  Just click on your avatar on the top right and switch to "ON" Enjoy...