Topics / #donations


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4 posts

I am a Horological Hero

I was packing up the latest pile of donations to our local thrift store and I was shocked and appalled to see watches amongst the home goods meant for...

Do you ever donate/gift watches?

Hey Crunchers, I know it's weird the thought of just giving away a watch but I wanted to see what y'all think. A week ago, I posted about my younger b...

@edge168n Is Running a Raffle With Great Odds!

This is way better odds than the lottery. So far, only a couple of dozen entries and all you have to is make a donation to charity, screenshot the ema...

Sales or Donations ?

As you guys know, I’m new to running a business. I’m brainstorming constantly, thankfully my “day job” gives me plenty of time to think and interact online. I’m currently planning for Easter. I was co...
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