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7 posts

Anonimo Nautilo & 68 Custom Lincoln w suicide doors

Fresh out of the Custom shop next-door to Work!

What do you think about Maserati watches? 🤔

I personally find them tacky, in a similar fashion to Ferrari merchandise. Are they good quality or is it just a marketing stunt?
Felt like an SMP kind of day 😃
[BB GMT] Wheel shot!
A Bit of monstrous fun today. A Swiss made ferrari in a kind of Lupah style in the shape of a car viewed from above. Believe this watch was given free...

Watch Brands as Car Brands Part 1

Watches and cars have been intrinsically linked since the dawn of the automobile and growing industrialization. It's also no surprise that many car br...

A match made in heaven?

I was meaning to have a look at some of the watches in my local market hall, but I perused to the little model shop, and bought this little Lotus F1 m...

retro done right: my new group c watch review

hi all. just wanted to tell you about my latest addition, the autodromo group c premium digital watch. it’s a cool piece that attempts to combine retr...

Autodromo Group C

3.8 Avg. Score

Casio F-91 dashboard clock.

My 91 Mustang doesn't have a clock so I found a solution. 😜 it was at a time I wasn't wearing a watch daily.

Rally strap put to good use!

What strap did I wear to buy a new-to-me car? A rally strap, of course! (for those curious, I bought a 2013 Honda Accord - I'm a family man after all)