200m Everyday Watch 😉

The Tampax watch

 Nomos are trying very hard to convince me that their Ahoi is the only watch I’ll ever need . I’m supposed to be able to go with it to the theater, th...
Tangerine Nomos Ahoi (they call it siren red whatever) on a Nomos light grey suede strap.

Better Red than Dead

I just finished a two part procedure that involved a dentist and my gums, and this was the kind of events where your participation is mandatory but yo...
Wonderful Tuesday to y'all Crunchers! 😃
Nomos Ahoi neomatik siren red. Just the splash of color that I needed to get me going.
Love the subtle array of colors on this piece. 😍

Is it possible to have too much brand identity, or why do most Nomos watches look the same?

Let's clear something first: I'm wearing my Nomos Ahoi today and I like it very much, so this post isn't about bashing Nomos.  I was taught many thing...

Nomos Ahoi Atlantic Date

Just wanted to share my journey with my latest acquisition.  I have been in the hunt for this piece for the better part of 6 months. I was really attr...

Thunder and Tangerine, and a cat.

I know that the dial color on my Ahoi isn't called tangerine but this is the word that keep popping up in my head when I wear it. Maybe it's because I...