The WC ain't interested in your Pants-on-Head Anger, Take it somewhere else Bub.

Enjoy this place too much, don't like seeing this crap. Use the mute/ignore, or go elsewhere. YMMV.

So here's my reply and a limmerick:

Trolls they just ruin everything online like the make people mad and say things not nice it's not good for conversations or anything they just do it for fun or something but it's not funny it's just mean and they don't care about others feelings they just want chaos and confusion which not good at all we need better behavior online.

There once was a sauce, full of might,

Anti-troll, it fought with delight.

With a dash of respect,

And a pinch to deflect,

Trolls retreated, no longer a blight.


If only one could buy their way out of being broken....but nope.


I’m not sure what this is about, but those comments were hilarious. 😆


I miss all the fun stuff! 😒


I miss all the fun stuff! 😒

There will be more this year. #1wc and @Mr.Santana has a Squid Games WC version coming 🤏🏻😅😜.


I'm not always 💯 in grammar and spelling, and will totally correct it when I catch it, but I feel like punctuation and basic grammar is in danger of being extinct...🤏🏻

Also, the whole where vs wear....😜


Let this be a warning. You may call me pathetic any time you like, but if you dare slander me as “very pathetic,” then we are going to have words. I will meet you whereing one of my Pagani’s and will demand luxurious satisfaction for the insult.


Let this be a warning. You may call me pathetic any time you like, but if you dare slander me as “very pathetic,” then we are going to have words. I will meet you whereing one of my Pagani’s and will demand luxurious satisfaction for the insult.


What in the hell happened? Did someone post that here on WC?


What in the hell happened? Did someone post that here on WC?

Maaan, we was lost to the embarrassment party lmao


Guys, guys… see what you’ve done? Just because you can’t afford and or missed out on Spaggethi Scammeti it don’t mean you can hate and be jealous on those who can.

We are better than that!


What in the hell happened? Did someone post that here on WC?

Yea, mods caught it REALLY fast, and locked the thread.

Good job to @WatchCrunch btws.

Still saw it, so took advantage to throw out some warnings to the vitriolic, Reddit/watchu-flora peeps, this isn't those places.

I love a good debate, and no one will agree all the time, in everything, but it's ok to be civil and at least respect other enthusiast's.

Bad grammar tho.....unless it's intentional (mine usually is, usually 🤏🏻😜) will raise the ire of @Aurelian , and that DEFINITIVELY falls into the FAFO category, enter at your own risk.... bwahahahaha 😈!


Not gonna lie, I do wear cheap plastic watches.


I'm so confused right now... Did someone literally have a complete mental breakdown/rage quit because they are infantile? There are people here who own F.P. Journe and people here that don't. Key thing is we all loving watches and horology. Just seriously....goes to show you that some people don't love watches. They love flaunting expensive stuff as a way of trying to prove to themselves they have some kind of self worth.....That boy needs a hug...or a slap...either way.


@shutdown may they RIP, I have attempted to make your send-off a tad bit more readable. We wouldn't want you to be misunderstood.

*some points of clarification, and liberties were taken in translation. 🤏🏻

"I thought this app was for watch lovers like myself, who buy and wear, high-end, expensive, luxury watches (🧐). So far I've seen nothing but jealousy and hateful comments on my high-end and expensive watches. These comments are from jealous older men. (You know what they say about assuming...🤏🏻) These older gentlemen are "claiming" to know everything about watches. Yet, they have nothing but cheap $20 Casio and Timex watches. Literally not worth anything (investment maybe 🤔). This app is for broke idiots, who like to wear fake plastic watches. Comment all you want. I won't see it (comments). By the time you see this post I will have already deleted the app out of my phone.


Shutdown (RIP) "


I would also like to see these aforementioned luxury pieces....🤏🏻


What the heck. First it's the reverse snob, then we get the snob here? Man, why do I miss the best bits of comedy at WatchCrunch?

"Dugong wants comedy and drama!"

"When do we want it? Right now!"

*holding placards and demonstrating in front of the WC mods profile pages*


But I clearly have a boxful of high-end luxury watches, how can I hate on them? I don't understand. 😕


What the heck. First it's the reverse snob, then we get the snob here? Man, why do I miss the best bits of comedy at WatchCrunch?

"Dugong wants comedy and drama!"

"When do we want it? Right now!"

*holding placards and demonstrating in front of the WC mods profile pages*


I’ve had a few drinks with old friends tonight so I’m feeling frisky. Who wants to try me?

I’ll leave the door unlocked…


The idea of this place being toxic is hilarious.


When wannabe godtier flexers don't get the adoration they feel they deserve (but don't).


I only hope WC will retain the welcoming nature as long as it can. Without rules, forums get overwhelmed by extremists. The niche nature of our hobby makes it safer, but still...

I may have contributed to the problem with a poll curious how long people saved up for their dearest piece, but not everyone understood it. I guess I should have phrased it differently. Someone even got offended.

And as for luxury snobs - I don't care for them at all. I just get annoyed when something bad happens to them and I get stuck in traffic as a result...


That’s funny. I have called out what I deemed ‘reverse snobbery’ a couple of times (especially aimed at Rolex).

I don’t deny I’m a Rolex fan, but by no means am I a Rolex fanboy. They are two very different things. But generally speaking everyone is very chilled and respectful here.


So much anger, so little time.