Am I crazy. How many watches do you have?

I am almost embarrassed on the sheer number of watches in my collection but it is over 50 with the oldest being from 1986. For comparison, what number do you have?


I have as many as years on this earth. For reference, Paint it Black was the number one song the year that I was born.




I think around 54. Oldest watch 1926 Art Deco Elgin ladies watch. Belonged to my grand mother.

My birth year song " Will You Love Me Tomorrow" lol


I have about 35. I think you’ll find we’re all a bit crazy here :)


I have as many as years on this earth. For reference, Paint it Black was the number one song the year that I was born.

Hey old man, 1966 wow.

My birth year song " Will You Love Me Tomorrow" lol


29, 4 of which need repair. But what did I do at lunch? Browsed AliExpress.


I am allowing myself max of 10 watches to control and curate. However, I currently have 16 with 6 for sale on various platforms 😅


9, but I only started collecting last year 🙂


Two kinds of riders,

Those who have dropped their bike, and those who haven't yet.

Two kinds of enthusiasts,

Those who've admitted to themselves they'll own more than 25 watches in various flavors, states of working, etc...

And those who haven't admitted it to themselves.

I'm in the firmery category on both accounts bwahahahaha 😝. YMMV.


Hahaha 50. Don't be embarrassed, you're just a beginner. I wore 4 or more times that here on WRUW last year.

The number one song for my birth year was "First Time Ever I Saw Your Face". I wish it were one of those cool Vietnam Era songs. Babababird is da word Babababird! 😂 May that not stick in your head.


I think around 54. Oldest watch 1926 Art Deco Elgin ladies watch. Belonged to my grand mother.

My birth year song " Will You Love Me Tomorrow" lol

Ok, that's older.



Pick your poison, addiction, obsession. Crunch responsibly 🖖🏾


21 watches, oldest working watch being the 1985 Citizen WindTimer pre-promaster. I had a plan of filling a 12 slot box happened


Almost 40.. but I sale some after a couple of years if I don’t wear.. then buy new.


3 but give me a few years to catch up




I'm in the process of scaling down to three.


15. But most are very inexpensive quartz 😢


I am up there with you, I deliberately don't count 😂 We are all crazy but it's a good crazy 😀


Once I hit 15 I realized I was hoarding and not really enjoying each fully so I began consolidating and being ruthless in what got cut. I’m now at 8, one more is just about to be sold and I’ll move another two to settle on a 5-watch collect which I’ll maintain — at that point it’ll be one in, one out.


around 20


Up to 52 right now. Slowing down, but no intention of stopping. The definition of a collection is 'more than practically useful'!


5 😢




I have been trying to reduce it but it’s around 40. My oldest is a 1928 Elgin Model 3 pocket watch. I also have and have had vintage Omegas and Longines from the 1950s and 60s. My love of watches started as a kid and I bought my first watches as a teenager in the 80s. I still have them—a Seiko 5 and a Seiko dress watch. I was also gifted an ESQ watch in the early 1990s. My collection really exploded during the pandemic.


13 but i told myself no more watches for at least a year (hoping to stretch it to 5) and so far its been working 6 months in.


Received 3-4 as hand-me-downs, purchased 3 for myself. Only my latest 2 purchases get any regular wear, though.


~35, oldest from circa 1945

