How do you brew?

I'm a coffee lover for sure. Mixing up methods is always fun for flavor differences to me. What's your go to? What's your special occasion brew? Etc...


Drip in the morning because it’s on a timer. Press in the afternoon when it’s just me.


I had my ultimate set up (a Cuisinart that I could set to fresh grind beans and brew into a super hot thermos carafe) and it just broke. I am back to French Pressing. Good coffee, but too much active cook time for the morning, imo.


I like my coffee like I like my women: hot, double shot, and bitter.


I am a Dolce Gusto guy


Gas station coffeee for me! Jk jk


Pour over every morning. Grind beans fresh. I get beans from Joshua Tree coffee. Delicious!


Coffee from Pact. Aeropress. Done


Coffee is life. I am saving up for one of these. Not this model necessarily, but close. When the time comes, it will be, do I buy this coffee maker or this Tudor Black Bay? I will push "buy" for that Jura with zero hesitation.


I guess Watch Crunch is the new hub for expensive hobbies ☕️


I just add milk and push a button for cappuccino.


French press. Starbucks Guatemala Antigua.


Always a double espresso in the morning with a 2:1 ratio, 38gm pour from 19gm beans over 25-30 sec pour time. Always African beans especially Rwandan and Kenyan 👌

Filter at work, or an aeropress shot.


Solo pour over for me, every once and a while French press, and special days when I have time the Italian Moka pot! Love that Seiko!


Tim Horton medium roast K-cup in my Keurig


LeLit Espresso machine. Have it connected to a smart plug so so it’s scheduled for mornings and evening and other times with just a tap on the phone


I hand grind my beans and use a French Press. Have for years. When I travel on business, I carry a portable hot water pot and a small French Press to brew my own coffee in my hotel room. In my opinion, hotel coffee is the worst coffee.


Hate coffee


Come to this thread to see a brew watches not disappointed! 🤣🍻


Cool! 😎 I have multiple ways to get my caffeine. For larger quantities I have my Wilfa Performance drip machine with permanent gold filter. For espresso I have my Profitech Go, single boiler since we don't do milk a lot. These are combined with the Timemore 078s grinder. And when the mood is there I've also got a stovetop percolator and a Hario V60. I like to grind those by hand with the Timemore C3 pro. Beans vary but mostly light roast and I try to always have a Colombia Narino Galeras Volcanic on hand. Currently trying a bag of Colombia Bolivar. ☕️


LeLit Espresso machine. Have it connected to a smart plug so so it’s scheduled for mornings and evening and other times with just a tap on the phone


Cool machine, like the cups as well! Lelit makes some great machines. Had a Victoria previously that I need to get fixed, was just out of warranty.


Aeropress gang represent! I started with a ceramic v60, but that was a mistake because the ceramic absorbed too much heat and I couldn't be bothered with all that pre-warming. Using an aeropress is so much more convenient - plastic has much better thermal retention properties, and offers a bunch of ways I can brew.

For my grinder I had a lido 3 but the handle was a little too short, and ended up with an 1zpresso jsx which suits me fine. Def prefer light roasts over medium - need me some acidity in my coffee(but not sour), and enjoy the occasional funk.

I use a Wacoco Picopresso whenever camping with coffee friends and they all exclaim, "wow, that is better than it should be" whenever I pull a shot. It's fun, but the cleanup is way too laborious, so it doesn't get used much at home unless I'm really in the mood. Also, hand grinding for espresso takes forever which is another deterrent


I love my Aeropress with the James Hoffman method. I experimented a lot when I started getting into coffee, mixing up V60, Origami, French Press and Aeropress, but I just love the convenience of the Aeropress and I didn't taste as much difference as I would have liked by trying all these things. I still use my V60 or Origami from time to time when I want a more involved brewing experience.

I always time my brews with my watches, even though my scales have a built in timer 😅


I was expecting to see a Brew watch, but that Seiko is even better. That dial colour is amazing!

I have a brew, just mixing it up. Thanks!


My favorite subject!

For the work-week we use a Bonavita 8-Cup One-Touch. Weekends, I cycle between a Chemex, a Bodum PEBO vacuum or one of my personal favorites, the ARAMSE SOFI south Indian filter coffee (if you love coffee and haven't tried one, you really need to: ).

I also have a few Aeropresses, a thermal insulated French Press, a few Hario V60s, a Bodum pour over, two stove-top percolators (a classic Bialetti and a stainless steel), an iced coffee maker, a Turkish coffee maker and a Flair PRO lever espresso maker.

For drip and pourovers, I use a Baratza Encore and for espresso, south Indian filter or Turkish I use a 1ZPRESSO J series hand grinder. I generally source beans through Pachamama Coffee Roasters.

As if my obsessive behaviors started and stopped at watches 😁


Love this flavor wheel by Counter Culture 🙂


I have that hanging in my kitchen!


I have that hanging in my kitchen!

Cool and more nuanced flavor wheel, right?


Cafetiere, medium strength vacuum packed,( whatevers in the shop at the time) two cubes of irregular shaped brown sugar, with cream. If there's no cream in the fridge, I don't partake. Use milk and it becomes the spawn of the devil.

Don't drink it often, tea is my preferred hot beverage. Although recently explored herbal etc. Ginger is a favorite.

Sometimes buy Lapsong Souchang (probably spelt that wrong) it has a smokey taste, reminds me of Laphroaig whisky

Coffee time. London Underground map. When the mug is cold, it's black, when hot, vit turns white. 😁


And then there's the one you wish you had ... just like watches


I like expresso-based drinks with steamed milk. Have a manual grinder for the beans (Divine Coffee Roasters). Currently drinking a Ugandan medium roast.

It takes a while to make, so may experiment with a pour over method in the future.

If I’m out in London, then I try to visit Prufrock in Hatton Garden. They do great coffee in a part of town that’s a little quieter