CrunchTrek - Week 3 - Flash Challenge 1 - The Escape

After purging yourselves of the Borg nanobots with the hyposprays concocted by your Medical Officer, your team formulates a plan to rescue your captured crewmate.

You gather your team and head back into the AD shop, the Borg Nest, to enact the rescue plan. With your tricorders, the team projects images of new and old and new watches, big and small watches, and mirrored copies of watches themselves. You dose the drones with the anitdote as well. The plan seems to have worked as the Borg are scattered and disoriented and no longer view you as a threat. You work your way to the back, where stacks and stacks of crown symbol watches are ready to be shipped out. This is how they plan to infect the populace and turn everyone into a drone. You set one of your phasers to overload which should destroy the watches and any remaining nanobots.

You turn your attention to finding your missing crewman. Walking down a long corridor, you notice a strange glow emanating from under one of the closed doors. Opening the door, you find your crewman, amongst others, in Borg alcoves in a regeneration cycle. On the other side of the room, you find a gateway, the Guardian at the Edge of Forever.


You observe scenes from past, present, and future cycles through the portal. This is your ticket home. You just need to wait for the right scene to show up.

While some of your crew keep an eye on the portal, the rest of you free your crewman from the alcove and inject him with the antidote. He seems disoriented, and the color starts to return to his face. Besides the Borg implants, he seems to be himself.

A few minutes pass and a huge explosion from your overloaded phaser consumes most of the store in a fireball. All those watches, lost. The Borg in the other alcoves awaken and start to target you and your crew. "Resistance is futile. Your biological, technological, and horological distinctiveness will become part of the Collective".

Someone yells "It's time to go". Anywhere is going to be better than fighting off the Borg here.


Your Flash Challenge is a simple one. Find a green door, and step through it. That's it. Everyone must post a photo of yourself stepping through the green door and tag your Captain and First Officer. Captains and First Officers, when your crew has completed this task, you will tag me with the name of your ship, let me know the mission is complete.

Your watch must be visible in the picture. Simple task means shorter amount of time to complete. All pictures must be posted by 5/10 12pm PST (5/10 19:00 UTC). Captains and First Officers, there will be a 2nd Flash Challenge this week. Be warned that you will be tested.


Remember -

All pictures must include a watch or watches.

Time will be kept using UTC and my time zone, PST (Los Angeles time).

THIS WEEK, crew members can post their own photos as they're completed and will tag their Captain or First Officer. The Captain or First Officer will tag me once your full team has completed their pictures.

There will be only 1 winning team at the end. No exceptions.

Q makes all rules, judgments, and final determinations. No exceptions. This is supposed to be fun.


Remaining Teams

USS Timegazer - @swim97 @Fieldwalker @Hierophis69 @Fiatjeepdriver @PaulWhaley @shiroed

USS Black Bay - @Adamasuta @Urkraft @ImNevix @TacoTimeTony @tanookisuit_ty @ericwn

USS Novaform - @Salty1 @HelenWheels @TimeOnTarget @biglove @RelativeTime @epochalanalogs

USS Double Red Dwarf - @CheapHangover @RichardQ @Okavango @Maverick5080 @solidyetti @Powwow


Also dearest Q, any shade of Green? 👀🤏🏻😅😂


Also dearest Q, any shade of Green? 👀🤏🏻😅😂

Any shade of green will do.


Any shade of green will do.


Mission accomplished? @SpecKTator


Mission accomplished? @SpecKTator


No no no


Green door to hell.


Boldly going where noone has gone before... Well, almost noone... @swim97 @Fieldwalker


Going through a very festive door with an very confused wife watching... @swim97 @Fieldwalker


Green door to hell.




@Salty1 Science officer of the USS Novaform reporting in... The glowing door beckons...



USS Novaform Team Six Medical reporting in. Not "Behind the Green Door" but a Green Room door.



USS Novaform Team Six Medical reporting in. Not "Behind the Green Door" but a Green Room door.


What is a Green Room?


First officer Fieldwalker from the USS Timegazer here..

Entering the portal!


@swim97 @SpecKTator I believe that all of us 🫡


First officer Fieldwalker from the USS Timegazer here..

Entering the portal!


@swim97 @SpecKTator I believe that all of us 🫡

@SpecKTator our First Officer @Fieldwalker is correct. USS Timegazer has completed this mission.

Great job crew: @Hierophis69 @shiroed @PaulWhaley @Fiatjeepdriver @Fieldwalker


@CheapHangover @SpecKTator

As First Officer of the U.S.S. Double Red Dwarf I have to cross the green door first. What could that glow be on the other side of the door? 🤔


Postscript: I continue to entertain the family! 🤪


@CheapHangover @RichardQ @SpecKTator


Engineer of the DRD entering the unknown


@CheapHangover @RichardQ @SpecKTator

Green door entered.

Extra pics for proof of seafoam GREEN 😂.

Thank the Lord for accommodating neighbors and awkward questions....👀🤏🏻🤙🏻😉😆😂


@Adamasuta and @Urkraft and @SpecKTator, I have found the green door. I’m not excited to cross the threshold, but will follow orders as instructed.


There are less than 14 hours left to complete this Flash Challenge.

Remaining Teams

USS Timegazer - @swim97 @Fieldwalker @Hierophis69 @Fiatjeepdriver @PaulWhaley @shiroed

USS Black Bay - @Adamasuta @Urkraft @ImNevix @TacoTimeTony @tanookisuit_ty @ericwn

USS Novaform - @Salty1 @HelenWheels @TimeOnTarget @biglove @RelativeTime @epochalanalogs

USS Double Red Dwarf - @CheapHangover @RichardQ @Okavango @Maverick5080 @solidyetti @Powwow

Caps and XOs - report in as soon as your full crew completes


Ah yes my green door @Adamasuta


@SpecKTator the remaining crew of the USS Black Bay as completed the assignment after the loss of 2 of its crew members as they are now on the way to the other side of the portal


There are less than 14 hours left to complete this Flash Challenge.

Remaining Teams

USS Timegazer - @swim97 @Fieldwalker @Hierophis69 @Fiatjeepdriver @PaulWhaley @shiroed

USS Black Bay - @Adamasuta @Urkraft @ImNevix @TacoTimeTony @tanookisuit_ty @ericwn

USS Novaform - @Salty1 @HelenWheels @TimeOnTarget @biglove @RelativeTime @epochalanalogs

USS Double Red Dwarf - @CheapHangover @RichardQ @Okavango @Maverick5080 @solidyetti @Powwow

Caps and XOs - report in as soon as your full crew completes

@SpecKTator reporting that USS Timegazer had finished this challenge previously and reported above. Please confirm you received our transmission.


@Adamasuta @Urkraft @ImNevix @TacoTimeTony @tanookisuit_ty @ericwn


Coming through now.


@Adamasuta @Urkraft @ImNevix @TacoTimeTony @tanookisuit_ty @ericwn


Coming through now.


As green as can get...

USS Novaform Team Six Medical




This is Epochal Analogs of the USS Novaform. We are not able to wait for return to our home time. All crew members have identified and entered the green door. Godspeed and good luck to our crew.




@SpecKTator It took me a long time to find a green door...


@SpecKTator It took me a long time to find a green door...


Simple task…yet difficult 🤣