Watch display

Just finished my watch table. Old IKEA table, that I paid 40€ of. Watches on the right side are mine. Bottom left are my girlfriend's watches and top left are my son's watches. Do you guys have anything similar?





Grazie mille!


Love your table!!!!



Awesome,love it.


That looks pretty cool. 


Super unique!


wow, that´s awesome!  Do you use it as a coffee table in your living room ?


Very cool - I think it’s awesome that you share the enthusiasm with your wife and son. I am sure your son must feel so proud to see his collection on display! 🍻


No but I now want one. That looks incredible. 👏


Most impressive.  Obi Wan has taught you well . . .



You left 1.5 roll to fill :)


wow, that´s awesome!  Do you use it as a coffee table in your living room ?

Yeah. It's a normal living room table.



You left 1.5 roll to fill :)

Still some room left....


Looks museum quality - awesome!  Would love to add this to my house but I'm the solo watch guy here.


IKEA Liatorp. And just add lights (and watches of course)

Ready made cabinet. With drawer. Nice. What about the led strip? Battery powered?


That is brilliant. Love it! 👍


Ready made cabinet. With drawer. Nice. What about the led strip? Battery powered?

Two 2m battery powered led strips.


Damn nice, Dude.


So damn cool !!! 


Awesome. Reminds me of the cool blue glow of Cherenkov radiation from a nuclear reactor. Have you fitted a nuclear power source to keep the watches going??!??


Awesome. Reminds me of the cool blue glow of Cherenkov radiation from a nuclear reactor. Have you fitted a nuclear power source to keep the watches going??!??


Do you want to see it in blue? It has 20 color options.


There‘s a word I’m searching for, not sure which one applies here. Jealous? Envious? Yeah, one of those. Maybe both. 


That's beautiful display table. You are very talented and innovative 


Thank you guys for all your lovely comments! I love working on beatiful things (old cars and watches). In my work I have to be innovative when i restore vintage cars (Jags, Bentleys, Rolls Royces and other european and american cars). Sometimes when a part is not available, you have to make it yourself.


That looks brilliant 👏👏


Sweet,  that’s awesome.  


It’s always nice to show the burglars exactly what to go for in your house… I‘m sure they will leave you a nice card.

(Looks nice, but inviting)


It’s always nice to show the burglars exactly what to go for in your house… I‘m sure they will leave you a nice card.

(Looks nice, but inviting)

Well... I gues that's not a big issue were I live. It's very peaceful here in rural Finland.


Add some price tags and a cash register and you're good to go.

It's cool that your girlfriend is as into the hobby as you.