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1 day ago
7.25” / 18.42 cm Wrist
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When you find out you work with a watch geek

So a few weeks ago I found out that someone I work with is also into watches when he showed me some photos of his latest acquisition, an Omega Swatch....

I forgot my watch today.

I was in such a rush to get out the door this morning that I forgot to grab my watch. I realized it after I got to the parking lot at work and checked...

A Fossil Watch and TWSBI Micarta Fountain Pen photo.

The color match was an obvious photo waiting to be taken.

Recent Comments

commented on Sneak Peek ·

I'm thinking about it.

commented on Sneak Peek ·

I would wear it. I'm wearing a Caravelle that is just a hair above 33mm and I have an Invicta around the same size.

commented on Where do you Stand? ·

I like the Tudor but yes, that hour hand is odd looking to me. It has been growing on me though. The more I look at it, the more I want it. Stop it!

commented on 4 Icons... 1 Loser; Friday Fights ·

I really have tried to like the tank but it just doesn't appeal to me. I respect it for what it represents horologicaly but I would never wear one. Square or better said rectangular watches in that vein make me want to 🤮. I have one that is similar in styling that was a gift and it's even engraved with my initials and I never wear it.

commented on Post your green watches! ·
commented on IvanRomero's WRUW ·

I would like that but only for winter. My wrist gets sweaty as it is with this leather strap. Maybe a silicone waffle if they make them in 17mm???

commented on IvanRomero's WRUW ·

Yes sir. I think they are nice looking. Some are still too large of a diameter for my taste but this 37071 is 33mm in diameter. I have the all-gold version of the one, second from the bottom right in your picture. It is probably the most oversized watch I can comfortably wear at 45mm.


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