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33 posts
Tornek-Rayville Blakjak. Automatic, expertly designed, tough as a junkyard Rottweiler. Sexy as Halle Berry’s upper thigh. Just got this Torvek-Rayvill...
Tried to choose the watch that pairs best with a Tool concert. It’s not historic…it’s “industrial”!

Geometry and industrial design go hand in hand.

Reminds me of a scene from alien 👽.
An informal morning with the re-issued Certina DS PH200-m and a slightly more formal afternoon and evening with the vintage DS-2.

Time to give up on watch genres?

Been thinking about how obsessed the hobby is with outdated notions of a watch's genre category and how often a watch is judged by how closely it hews...
Winter in Grodno... Icbreaker on my wrist…

Watch Tool on the Go? Would you buy one?

We are designing a new watch tool for true watch enthusiasts. It is a key ring with 3 different watch tool heads, to interchange between based on your need. 1. Flat screw to adjust bracelet links. 2....
311 votes ·

Silver Tool-y Goodness!

I got to spend a lot of time with the @malmwatches Commander, as a loaner was sent over for review. The result was over 130 video clips and 45+ minute...

Hamilton Titanium Field Auto in Green

I absolutely love this watch because of that green. It’s a daily driver, tool watch. It’s comes in 38 & 42mm variant
I hope you’re having a good Blue Watch Monday! It’s freezing out there today!! #traska #summiteer #traskasummiteer #collecting #wruw