Topics / #smp300m


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6 posts
First time on the nato. Quite cool for dress up.

Analysis Paralysis (or how I learned to stop worrying and turned to WatchCrunch for guidance)

How do you pick one watch when spoilt for choice and on a limited budget? None of us takes up this hobby because we like having one watch...but many o...

Omega SMP Diver 300m - OEM rubber strap options

Hi, fellow SMP 300m lovers, Just in case any of you are wondering which of the two OEM rubber strap options is better for you, I will share my experie...

Omega Seamaster Diver 300m midsize

Hi watchfam! Do you think Omega will ever release a new midsize version for their hotselling SMP 300m Diver? Imo a 38 or 39mm version would be an abso...