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6 posts

Why The Eyesores?

A lot of us question why Invicta makes watches in styles that can gently be called 'out there'. I think I have three reasons. Read the rest over at Un...

003: Hedonic Treadmill

In the world of watch collecting, the thrill of the hunt and the joy of the acquisition are emotions that few other pursuits can match. As both a coll...

002: The Endowment Effect

I've spent countless hours appreciating the exquisite craftsmanship, artistic design, prestige, and fascinating history behind each wristwatch that I'...

My middle life crisis itch

I was always thinking of myself as a rational human being (with a bit of a crazy hidden side but that’s for another discussion). While I’m nearing my...

We have to do the work...

In reaction to @Deeperblue and her Bites : this started out as a comment, but it was way too long, hence the new post. In her Editors thoughts Kaysia...

A Series: My Watch Collecting Journey, Issue 3

As a person newer to collecting (but not enthusiasm for) watches, I have pursued lower cost watches over the last 8-9 months just to check off tick boxes in an attempt to complete a themed collection....
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