Topics / #mostwornwatches


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5 posts

What was your most worn watch in March?

It's that time again Crunchers. What was your most worn watch in March? Mine was my Rolex Submariner 124060.

Most worn Q1 2024

No actual count or tracking, but these are my most reached for watches these first 3ish months. They are all great watches. #laco #seiko #sanmartin #c...

What's your Top 3 Most Worn Watches in 2023?

Did you actually count? Or, did you just make an estimate? If it's the latter, most likely the estimate is not reliable, as you fell into the usual La...

Controversial: My most worn watch of 2023

2023 was the year where I started my watch collecting journey. I have been enjoying the journey so far and really love my mechanical watches, but my m...

SOLVED: How do you measure wrist time?

SOLUTION: The program is On My Wrist available on AppStore. No advice for Android users. I want to record how often I wear my watches, but I'm not as...