Topics / #citizenskyhawk


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4 posts
25 year old Promaster A-T today. Still runs like new!

Got my dad’s watch today. A Citizen Skyhawk Eco Drive JR3060-59F from 2003

So today, my dad passed me one of his watches: a Citizen Skyhawk Eco Drive JR3060-59F. He bought the watch in 2003 when he got his pilots license. The...

Citizen Bullhead radioactive issue... It's not!

Two weeks ago I posted my fears about the possibility my just bought vintage watch (Citizen Bullhead) were radioactive, due to a possible use of prome...

Got my Nighthawk worked on and set DST this last week. Appreciating it again.

I have had my Nighthawk for about 15 years. I have put it through the ringer. It was my EDC watch for more than half the time I've had it. I had crack...

Citizen Skyhawk AT

This watch has seen some fun, approx. 13 years on wrist. Still fits amazingly well, so comfortable. Like visiting an old friend you haven't seen in a...