
52 Following
2 months ago
Rijeka, Croatia
8.00” / 20.32 cm Wrist
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Recent posts

Citizen Ana Digi Temp watch

Had this little guy for a few years now. It has been sitting in a drawer all the time,and I almost forgot about him. It was bought to be a project wat...

When the light hits just right 😍

I've always been fascinated by watches that can cach your eye and You Sometimes just can't keep staring at it when the light hits the watchface just r...

SOTC... for 6 months now 😅

It has been 6 months since my last purchase 😅 Currently saving money for not sure what exacly. I was hoping to buy a Seiko Kakume, Bullhead or maybe...

Recent Comments

commented on Opinions on Brew Metric - Retro Dial? ·

I would love to get u gold one 😍

commented on Thoughts on Orient Triton? ·

Not for me... Rather skx

commented on Radio controlled watches. ·

Had one... Pretty cool thing.

Grab 'n go watch

commented on How to show that you are French without saying it. ·

...will do 😀

commented on How to show that you are French without saying it. ·

what!? No citroen???

commented on Pick 3! Which 3 would you take on a trip? ·

gen 1 samurai, alinist and casio royale

commented on Negative display. Positive day. 👌 ·

CASIO G-9000 ...had the same one. That thing was a indestructible rock👍

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Grand Seiko Tentagraph

Just saw theese and daaayum it's hot 😍 First Mechanical Grad Seiko Chronograph. I guess we shall name it Grad Seikotona? 😅 🤣 What are your toughts?

Devon ''watches'' anyone?

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Delbana SS WWII watch? Or is it🧐

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Biggest watchbuy letdowns

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HELP finding Citizen Navihawk c300 crystal?

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Seiko Prospex Diver Showdown

I always wondered. What is the best Seiko entry-mid tange lvl diver. I've had the Monster, Samurai and now the Turtle. I was wondering if I missed anything by not owning an SKX 🧐 Well... I know whats...
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Random Chronograph battle

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