Tormented Watch Collector

Hi Everybody! Not sure if I should be in this place at all....since I haven't even started to collect watches. I am still just thinking about it, to be honest. The thing is.....I really need to understand if I can become one (collector) or not. What I know is that I am fond of watches since the day I learned how to read one when I was a little kid; and I've been wearing one on my wrist since little after that. Now, for me the watch is a necessity: I couldn't live without having a watch on me in the same way I couldn't go out without a pair of shoes around my feet. But this necessity brought me to own and wear watches mainly as tools; that is regardless of their value, if they are good looking, precious, artistic or engineering-wise valid  (I have been wearing a gps/activity tracker watch for years now). Also I tend to wear the same watch all the time until it breaks or I lose it. Now, as I'm getting older, I started to think that it would be fun to have at least a few of them instead of just one. At least I could start off with the renowed '3-watch collection' or something like that. So, I am currently studying what could be my first automatic watch (and it will have to be below $1K as a start...). I've almost made up my mind but not quite yet. So I'm joining right now with great pleasure this community hoping to have fun with you people and to get some inspiration for my watch-hunting days. Nice to meet you, Giuseppe!


Just give it a go! You don’t need to have 10 watches and a big collection to just Get started! 


Welcome to WC. Watch collecting can be a slippery slope, and sites like this can serve to feed the desire to constantly add to a collection. Make sure that you do your research, and buy what sparks joy for you personally, not what others tout as the flavor of the day.

There are lots of great watches to be found in the <$1K range, especially from microbrands.


Welcome to the crunch🤝


As you get deeper into the hobby,  you'll notice people discussing luxury pieces that cost thousands as of they were trading cards. 

Remember that not all of us play in the deep end of the pool.  There are many pleasures to be had from lower cost pieces that don't feature movements crafted from unicorn horns by blind monks. 


I bought my son who just turned 21 a Hamilton Khaki Field Auto for less than $500. I’ve been in this hobby for years and my son has been exposed to it since he learned how to walk. I never pushed him to take up the hobby, but when he told me that he’s starting to appreciate the art of timepieces, thats when I decided to surprise him with his first mechanical watch. He said he will keep it and start his own collection. 


welcome :)


Welcome! I think you'll find a lot of good people on here.  I certainly have.  Be sure to share whatever watch you decide on! I think a lot of the fun comes from being around people who are also excited by the hobby.


Welcome!  I think it's wise to start slow. You've already been a watch wearer so you already have some preferences (great!) But I wager that those preferences will change as you move from one to two and then again from two to three.

Just a little personal adventure right?


Welcome to the dark side, ehem, I mean WatchCrunch, we have watches! 



Welcome indeed. You dont have to be a collector to enjoy WC. In fact youll find some folks here that own only one watch. Some people are curageous enough to post naked wrist pics too! 

Definitely go with your heart when you choose but with your head before you buy. This place will test your self-restraint. If you have the discipline to wait before you buy something you might find you fall in and out of love with a watch without ever having to buy it. Even <$200 watches can offer alot of enjoyment if you wanna get your feet wet to start.


Start with one. If you want another, go for it. Pandora's box, friend. 


You're already half way there.

Welcome & no guarantees you won't buy more than you intended. I would say wanted, but we all want more.

Stay Crunchy & MTFBWY


Welcome! Enjoy the hunt!! 


Welcome to WC! Try checking out our daily WRUW thread. You might find something that would tickle your fancy at your price point. 😉


A huge thanks to each and everyone of you! It's nice to share a passion and I'm realising more and more how big is the World of Watches 😍 I'm a bit nervous because the first watch will have a big place into my (future) collection right? I must not rush it.....


Theres no rules. Just get what you like. Spend what you’re willing to. When you’re looking for recommendations feel free to post and you’ll get a ton of responses (everyone on the internet wants to tell other people what to buy). Go to stores and try stuff on. Look at Monochrome and Hoodinkee and Fratello websites. It’s a deep rabbit hole. Have fun and enjoy your time. 


#welcome. You don’t have to overthink it. Buy something in $200-$300 range to bring with and see if you like it. My first one was Seiko that I bought from Costco for $150 and still love it. I have many watches now but it’s the journey. Things like hunting down one, save for it, work hard and reward yourself for the achievement with a watch makes it more worth it. Brand or price doesn’t matter.