
The Joker
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Is it just me or is Shinola becoming more and more expensive?

When I bought my 47mm Runwell Quartz back in 2015 I paid around $530 at the time it was my most expensive watch. I also paid retail the AD refused to...

Rant incoming but you know what I don’t care.

If this upsets anyone Good it means it’s working. I’m gonna say something I’ve been bottling up for a while. Maybe others have thought the same thing...

New Cadisen Nautilus

This came a day early I also own the Pagani Design Nautilus homage and this Cadisen is 100x better to me anyway. I’ll go over some quick pros and cons...

New Breitling coming for their 140th Anniversary

Got this email today.

Which of these brands is the most Iconic

Please vote and explain which of these watch watch brands is the most iconic to you. I can only do 4 in a poll so if you have any others please list them below. Rolex Models Submariner Daytona Day Dat...
415 votes ·

Cartier Crash Homage

Just received this from Aliexpress pics down below. I wasn’t expecting it to be much nicer in person it’s a very unique design. I got the sliver one o...

What are somethings that make you not want to buy a watch again?

If you have any please vote below and comment telling Us why? For me it’s the movement/s used and Customer Service if a brand can’t get back to me with a problem or question I have I’m not buying from...
173 votes ·

What's the longest (realistically) you've ever gone without buying a watch.

My family and I are planning on going to Orlando Florida from New England sometime in the middle of June we're gonna be driving down. So we're gonna b...

What’s the darkest watch you owe

Just got this new nato strap for this Fossil Chronograph I’ve owned it for a few years it originally came in a gray rubber but always felt it needed s...

For those of you with big watch collections.

I’m just curious on how often do you wear or at least try to wear every watch you own. When I say big Watch Collection I’m not talking about the size...