Sorry but this is a depressing post

Having a hard time being a watch enthusiasts. Having a hard time being an enthusiasts about anything with the world going to shit. How am I supposed to enjoy anything when I don't even know what kind of world my neice has to grow up in?? I feel f#cking dumb for liking watches.


I get this, but I think despite the world and our very humanity seeming to implode at any moment you need to find some small joys in life or else what’s the point?


The world can appear messed up. It is also a beautiful and wonderous place. You may not be able to influence the wider world but you can certainly take steps to ensure your niece knows and can see beauty, knows that she is loved. Look after the little things, the big things tend to look after themselves. And for yourself, take solace in the small pleasure that watches bring you, especially on darker days like this.


Just leave the world slightly better for you having been in it and you've done your part. 🙏


The world can appear messed up. It is also a beautiful and wonderous place. You may not be able to influence the wider world but you can certainly take steps to ensure your niece knows and can see beauty, knows that she is loved. Look after the little things, the big things tend to look after themselves. And for yourself, take solace in the small pleasure that watches bring you, especially on darker days like this.

As a prof I think one shred of hope is seeing so many young people care so damn much about fixing things to the point of diving into fields/careers that will help them have a seat at the table whether that be in science or policy or infrastructure. They are both frantic and concerned but also determined not to just accept failure.


I am sorry you are feeling that way.. there are many ways to deal with every issues in life.. do something about it, focus on something that makes you happy rather than things that makes you sad and depressed, do something good whenever you get a chance (donations, volunteer work, be nice to others), learn something new, teach your niece life skills that are not taught in school, listen to great speakers about mental stress.. lastly stay away from social media.. algorithms are designed to suck you into content that you saw, liked, commented on.

There is nothing wrong in liking watches. For me it’s a distraction from everything else that is happening around. I like reading comments, reactions and some of the positive stories watchfam shares..

Life is too short and unpredictable.. enjoy while you can.. ✌🏼



In most measurable ways the world is better today than it ever has been, at least when it comes to the lives of humans (dodoes had no comment).

100 years ago this year the 16 year old son of the President of the United States developed a blister on his foot while playing tennis on the White House tennis courts. It became infected and he died a few days later.

We don't live in a world where that could happen anymore. Sure, there is plenty wrong, but think of all that is right.

Over at Oxford they maintain Our World in Data, a website that shows where we are going and where we have been. It is not all good news, but the trends are heartening. It is not overtly political.

Buy a watch, you will feel better.


The world has alway been messed up, same poo different day. I’m 56 and there has always been some sort of nonsense however In between the nonsense there are always green shoots. Live life with a good set of morals and I’m sure your niece will build on these. If you think of the reason field watches were designed, right in the middle of one of the biggest wars ever, time is valuable and why we like such things. Are they necessary absolutely not, daft absolutely not, each is a miniature mechanical marvel which represents achievements within precision and art of mankind.


Yes it is.

Thats one of the reasons why I like watches, they're an escape.

Be prepared by all means, but I choose to fill my brain space with specs and reviews of irrelevant little machines that give me pleasure in my relaxing chill time.

Keeps me same. 👍🏻


I suggest you read a book "Do Humankind’s Best Days Lie Ahead?: The Munk Debates." It will show you how we live in the best of times. After reading this book you will be able to go back to watch collecting.


Man, I struggle with this daily. I can't fix anything by ignoring my joy & mental health.

To me, liking ANYTHING is where I find the joy & sanity to keep going.

Watches are one of the ports in the storm that enable me to go back into the storm.


cheer up!! It could be worse..


Stop consuming the news. Simple.


You can make the positive change yourself, no matter how small it is.

My wife, daughter and the kids in my neighborhood are my positives in my life.

Every Christmas me and my wife set aside a small % of our income to provide the kids in our neighborhood with Christmas presents and events.

This is our 3rd year doing it now and love every moment of it.


Make the best of it. Life is too short my friend


2023 was a tough year for me personally, however I feel confident that things will get better. Focus on things that make you happy and try not to worry about things you can’t control. I hope you find peace this year. “Worry is like paying a debt you don’t owe” Mark Twain 👊🏾


Watch Crunch as a life coach platform. Why not ?


How am I supposed to enjoy anything when I don't even know what kind of world my neice [sic] has to grow up in??

The future is not ours to know. You should feel bad about ending sentences with prepositions instead.


The fact that you care at least shows your aren't a monster. Also, you are worrying about things beyond your control. Control what you can in your circle of influence. That is the best anyone can do.

Don't torture yourself. John Calvin had spoken at length to Martin Luther, as the latter didn't feel he was punishing himself enough. Calvin asked him to pump the brakes.

You are allowed some niceties in this life. If I'm stuck on the Titanic, I'll rearrange the deck chairs on the way down if I can't get a spot on a lifeboat.


Sounds similar to "survivor guilt".

For what it's worth at least it means you have good EQ.

I can't offer much help other than my perspective:

a million pounds is a lot of weight to move, but it's not that heavy if a million people help out. All we can do is carry our load and be an example for others to follow suit, and if they don't, that's their cross to bear, not yours. And in this lifelong duty, there's also time here and there to enjoy things like watches.

At least that's how I see it. I do understand where you're coming from.


Watch Crunch as a life coach platform. Why not ?

We’re a full service watch fam haha


Thank you to @Aurelian for making my basic argument. Also @mpolyakov mentioned a good book. In many ways, our standard of living today is better than that of even the wealthiest royal families from hundreds of years ago. This improvement is largely due to advancements in technology, medicine, and social structures. Key factors include-

Healthcare: Modern medicine, with its vaccinations, antibiotics, and advanced surgical techniques, has dramatically increased life expectancy and quality of life. Centuries ago, even the wealthiest individuals had limited access to effective medical care.

Sanitation: Clean water supply and efficient waste disposal systems have greatly reduced the incidence of diseases that were once common and deadly.

Technology and Comforts: The conveniences of modern technology—such as electricity, heating and cooling systems, refrigeration, and transportation—are far beyond what was available in the past.

Information Access: The Internet and widespread education have made information and knowledge more accessible than ever before, which was a luxury typically reserved for the elite in the past.

Human Rights and Social Structures: Societal changes have led to more rights and freedoms for individuals, including those related to gender, race, and class.

However, it’s important to acknowledge that while the average standard of living has improved, disparities still exist, and not everyone today experiences these benefits equally.


Hopefully WE TH E PEOPLE can make a change this November. So don’t lose faith and enjoy the watch hobby. FYI nothing is effecting the politicians life’s so don’t let it effect yours


Back in WWII Sir Winston Churchill supposedly responded to the question of how we could be funding the arts when more money was needed to repel the biggest threat to human freedom up until that time, to which he supposedly said, "Then what would we be fighting for?". Times of desperation are when we most need things to uplift us and see beyond the daily muck. Now unfortunately, Mr. Churchill never uttered such words during the war, but he actually did make a couple of quotes with very similar sentiment before it.

I personally experienced this and questioned my very occupation when living overseas. Until I "went to the dark side" (engineering), I was an orchestra musician for several years living in a part of the world where child homelessness and the standard of living was far from what we would consider good in first world countries. The orchestras and arts councils were subsidized in large part by the government, and to make things more interesting, the audiences that benefitted from such funding were very much the minority, a minority which repressed the majority. I questioned the spending of such funds and whether such a country had any business having an imported high level orchestra and such artistic organizations, but it was when I was doing schools concerts, especially out in the middle of nowhere, when I saw an innate fascination these children had who probably have never even heard these on the radio yet alone seen a performance in person. A good American friend told me the same thing, it is exactly when there are dire needs at play that one needs artistic or other "distractions" to keep joy in the collective spirit of a country. Over time I would see the injustices and imbalances slowly addressed, operas translated to the native languages, Handel's Messiah performed in native language with excellent Zulu choruses, and funding become more tied to a culture that became more relevant to the whole of the country and not a caucasian minority ruling class, one which would be voted out of power during the first miraculous open election. I'm referring to the election of Nelson Mandela as the first non-caucasian president of South Africa in 1994.

While maybe it is a little stretch to equate a Hamilton watch to the history of a Bach Oratorio or the singing tradition of the a cappella group Black Ladysmith Mambazo, there is still a similar uplifting spirt involved to those who choose to embrace it. Hopefully this offers a slightly different perspective from the "things aren't as bad as they seem" one, which is certainly also valid.


Could be worse, you might leave them a few watches. If anything, you should redouble your collecting efforts

I do know what you mean though. I collect a few categories of things and have “what the fuck are you doing” moments sometimes. Oh well, I will be a long time dead, may as well entertain follies


Valid thoughts and feelings. Don't beat yourself up for those thoughts, as any sane person would ask the same questions about what kind of world we are raising children in. Permit yourself to have these feelings, as a lot of this is not in our sphere of control, but allow yourself some respite through whatever harmless 'hobby' that gives you this, at the same time not denying that there is some unfortunate bad shit going on, and it always has. What can we do other than try to be good to people around us and in our communities? This is taking care of your mental health, for yourself and your loved ones.

A watch enthusiast might be a bit nuts 😂, but does no harm in this world as far as I can see 🙏


How am I supposed to enjoy anything when I don't even know what kind of world my neice [sic] has to grow up in??

The future is not ours to know. You should feel bad about ending sentences with prepositions instead.

You think this shit is fucking funny bro? You find me concerned about my family amusing?


I just wanted to say to everyone thank you so much for the positive support. Got a few smart asses as usual but most of what was posted on here really made me feel better. I know this is a watch forum but I figured watch people might know a thing or two about enjoying time we have !


You think this shit is fucking funny bro? You find me concerned about my family amusing?




That's pitiful.


That's pitiful.

I would be immature and petty too if I was a virgin.