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2 days ago
West Jordan, UT
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Calling all Weird Watches!

Yup…I think my water watch is the weirdest in my collection. After all…it gets its power from the electrolytic action of those three strips up top. Ev...

A Good EDC Match for the Day!

It seems fitting for my ‘double-tempered’ Case Tuxedo gentleman’s knife to be paired for the day with my new Komandirskie (Commander’s) GMT. I reckon...

Old Digitals are the Best!

Gone are the days of gee-wiz graphical displays and mutli-color LCD polarizer screens on digital watches…at least not any I’ve seen in years. Wouldn’t...

The Vibrant Swimmer!

A favorite of any watch of mine is its graphical ‘fingerprint’ that sets it apart from any other while setting the ‘mood’ of its design. My Rubik’s li...

Calling your niche watch you may never use for its purpose!

I love fish…on ice, in a tuna can, or lightly breaded and deep-fried from a restaurant. But the act of fishing itself? No…I’m no good at that. Why the...

Calling all Owners of a Calculator Watch!

I’m a basic math guy. Also, I only got as far as TI BASIC when it came to writing any programs for a computer. But that doesn’t stop me from admiring...

In Good Company…

I find myself a favored one in one-thousand who own this premium field watch. There is no other explanation for it. It’s a joy to own. What number is...

Your Treasured Wall Clock!

I selected my Seiko ‘Melodies in Motion’ clock from among dozens lining the wall at Mt. Olympus Clock Shop almost three years ago. Since then it has s...

Calling all owners of a GMT!

I just pulled my new Komandirski out of the mailbox today! I’ve wanted to get a GMT for a while, but didn’t have the money. But I happened upon this g...

Calling all those who treasure their LED watch!

I remember my elementary school principal’s LED watch well. Every time Dr. Lefevre scorned my friends and me for our daily shenanigans, I gazed upon i...