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4 posts
No shinny here. The VALOR from Redux & Co. is all about matte grey titanium.

A time of austerity

The reflection from the sapphire is the only bit of shiny on the VALOR from Redux &Co. it's a stark contrast to the Flightmaster on its bright yel...
Redux & Co. VALOR, all titanium on an Erika's Original sand MN strap.

Things should be what they really are

Let's take the useless cat as an example. He is busy pretending that he doesn't have any legs and that he's not aware of what I'm doing. It's a pitifu...

The no-date challenge, is it really achievable?

The problem with declaring something is that one day you will be forced to stand by your declaration. It’s something that politicians are well aware o...
Redux & Co. all titanium VALOR on an Erika's Originals sand MN strap. Titanium is best when it doesn't try to pretend to be something else.
The grey titanium VALOR from Redux & Co. is a good match to the grey sky of this stormy morning.
38mm, titanium. It's the VALOR from Redux & Co. I really like the angles on this case.
I'm not going to say that I enjoyed going out to drink my morning coffee while it was still dark and cold, but it was still a good opportunity to chec...

We are the dark, join us for we have better coffee.

I'm not going to argue over the advantages and benefits of going over to the dark side. I'm pretty sure that they do have cooler looking helmets and c...