Topics / #shutupolivernoonecares


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4 posts

just a little reminiscing

Not that long ago, I got into the hobby of watches. I’m still getting into the hobby, and I have an inkling it will provide me with many mini lifetime...

What are these things?

Really though, watches, who the hell decided that such scientific manifestations should be so subjectively alluring and beautiful at the same time? Th...

You ever just get stuck?

Sometimes, i just don’t want to choose. I just don’t want to pick one. I know this is a me problem. It’s like when my wife asks me what we should have...

The joy of having the perfect wrist size.

That’s right. At 7 3/8” to 7 3/4”, 18.5cm to 19.5cm, I am gifted with the perfect wrist size. Nothing too big, nothing too small. Go on and give me a...