Topics / #breda


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3 posts
Working on a video this morning. Can't stand wearing a heavy diver on a metal bracelet when working on the MacBook so pulled this lightweight Breda fr...
Breda Groove (Canary)

NWA: so the whole no more watches in 2024 (except for the Bel Canto) plan has gone to 🔥

This one is polarizing. I get it I already know the debate(s)…is it a watch that’s jewelry or jewelry that’s a watch?…is it a men’s size or a ladies’...
Free Breda Watch. Came with my last GQ box.

Illegible disasters

Would love to see or hear about other peoples’ most illegible pieces - this Texan Breda Pulse (Tandem) is a shocker. I was however contemplating throw...

Targeted Breda Ads

Has anyone else been getting an aggressive number of ads for Breda watches? It's at least a few times a day at this point