Illegible disasters

Would love to see or hear about other peoples’ most illegible pieces - this Texan Breda Pulse (Tandem) is a shocker. I was however contemplating throwing some googly eyes on the top of the case for lols.


Googly eyes for the win 👀👀 photos please 🙏


Such an original piece! 😀


Googly eyes for the win 👀👀 photos please 🙏


Actually improves legibility - jks you would be better off staring at the sun for the time than bothering with this.


Paint it yellow & call it SpongeBob Square Watch.


Back in the 80s I had a Swatch watch which was all black, matt black face, matt black hands, I thought it was cool but damn near useless to be able to tell the time under any conditions 😄


Googley eyes make it look classy as .

I love it 🤩.....


That watch looks like a weight scale. I’d put stickers of footprints at the top of it.


So nobody has heard of jump hours? They are not exactly a new concept, but illegible disaster seems pretty harsh?

It might not be the greatest execution, but let’s not turn this into a Kangaroo court.


I bought this one -- ecodrive - Citizen -- online.. Wore it for three days couldn't read the time worth shit even outdoors in the sun. on the fourth day I gave it away as a gift.



Actually improves legibility - jks you would be better off staring at the sun for the time than bothering with this.
