Strap storage.

How are you all storing spare straps?  My old cigar boxes over flowing with natos just isnt working anymore.  



This has been brought up before but here you go. Search "pocket knife case holder" on Amazon 🤓👍🏼


Not so sophisticated but a step up from the solution before this when everything was in a box. 


This has been brought up before but here you go. Search "pocket knife case holder" on Amazon 🤓👍🏼


Oh thats a great idea. 


Cigar box overflowing with straps.  This sounds like a first world problem.  Suggestions; Get a second cigar box or move up to a shoe box.


Cigar box overflowing with straps.  This sounds like a first world problem.  Suggestions; Get a second cigar box or move up to a shoe box.

I have 3 cigar boxes right now.  My wife has an antique business and she buys them all the time.  Haha. 


This has been brought up before but here you go. Search "pocket knife case holder" on Amazon 🤓👍🏼


Amazing idea!!


Probably the least sophisticated sorting I could come up with for just my NATO’s:


And the rest of them:


that’s a small toiletries bag from Duluth trading holding various straps, and i dunno where i snagged that lavender tin, but it works perfectly for just my elastic NATO’s.


This and a smaller version work for me.


Whoa, I was worried I was getting too many straps (8 or so) but now the floodgates are open. 


I built in some strap storage into my watch box. Came here really to say great photo! 🔥🔥🔥


My straps are just a pile of hot mess in the top drawer of the dresser. It seems to work well. I think the technical term for this is organized chaos. 


I never realized my box wasn't working until I saw this thread. Seriously, I should find a better solution. I have a lot of 2 peice straps. I waste far too much time looking for the mate when I fish half of it out of the box. I'm liking the pocket knife case holder idea.

Course if you ask my wife, her solution would be to just stop buying more straps. What kind of crazy, half cocked solution is that?


This has been brought up before but here you go. Search "pocket knife case holder" on Amazon 🤓👍🏼


My watch case has a drawer but it’s filling up fast. 


My daughter had a couple of plastic "scrapbook holders" that she wasn't using, so I nabbed one of those.  I like the wide & flat form factor better than the deeper boxes I had been using.


I'm a mess! 🤣


I picked up this handy set of drawers for all my watch stuff. Gives me space to put carrying cases, tools, cleaning supplies and serves as a great place to keep the time grapher. 


I store the straps/bracelets that I wear in my regular rotation in the drawer of my watch box. 👍
