Who makes the best homage watches?

Hi Chrunchers, I hope you all are having a great day. Homage watches is a controversial topic in the watch world. Some People love them, some hate them, some are in-between. A couple of brands produce homage watches only and some other watch brands release both homage and self designed watches. So after I told you all the information you already knew before... who makes the best homage watches in your eyes? Enjoy your day!
101 votes ·

Seen what San Martin makes really nice ones. I own two Invictas they are nice as well happy to own them.


Tudor 😉


I selected San Martin, but I think there are some microbrands that fall in this category. For example, Islander. Don't get me wrong. I am a huge Islander fan, but honestly, most if not all of their various models are homages. Of course, they are not direct copy homages, but they are still very much homages. I would say Islander is my favorite homage brand.


I’ve had great experiences with Pagani Design, and have several.


I think Rolex unquestionably makes the best homage watches of any of the manufactures 😉


Out of the four brands you have listed here only Cadisen has let me down. I bought my first automatic watch from Invicta last December and sold it yesterday. Since then I have accumulated 5 Pagani Design and 1 San Martin. All are of comparable quality to more accepted brands that retail for up to €750. Sometimes, as with the PD Mission to Mars MoonSwatch homage, the specs and quality beat the original hands down.


I voted San Martin but on a dollar for dollar basis it would be Invicta out of these four. Overall my favorite is Escapement Time.


Steinhart. A bit more expensive, but worth it imho.


Steinhart. Hands down.







I think Rolex unquestionably makes the best homage watches of any of the manufactures 😉

Especially their Sekonda homages. Beware of expensive imitations!


I do like Pagani Design but their straps and bracelets let their watches down San Martin pay attention to both the watch and the strap its just complete


Pagani Design Design makes the best homages of Pagani watches.