Thoughts on Nico Leonard?

I've heard some back and forth online about him, I think he's significantly entertaining and has a genuine passion for the watch world, but sometimes he says things that feeds the negativity of "flex" watch collecting or shaming those who may enjoy a brand he considers to be "dog sh#t"... curious for others thoughts


He is one of the personality types that I can't stand on YouTube.

I'll let you guess which one of them he is.


He is one of the personality types that I can't stand on YouTube.

I'll let you guess which one of them he is.

Used car salesman? 😂


Used car salesman? 😂

Wow! How did you guess this quick?!


I don't watch him. I don't know much about him, but what little I've seen hasn't been the type of content I find interesting.


He’s fun to watch sometimes but he definitely falls squarely in the “entertainment only” category.


Nico is 36, which makes him a millennial. The rest of your point is well made.


At first it's funny but after little time it gets boring because it's always the same. And you also do not gain much information about watches. There are much better watch channel on youtube than this guy;)


i’m a fan of Nico. his videos are entertaining. i don’t take them seriously but i do learn a lot from the watch industry watching his main channel and his “Nico Uncut” channel where he shows the reality of running his watch business. also the story of his success is inspiring for those who want to take the path of entrpreneurship. i recommend watching his interviews by other YouTubers to learn more about the person behind the loud mouth persona. see:


I have mixed feelings, he may help to get more people into watches because of his entertainment channel and I think he does have a lot of knowledge and is clearly passionate. But sometimes it’s just a bit too much and feels like this is to satisfy algorithms. The one channel I really love is the wristwatch revival , nothing but a workbench and an adventure in making a watch great again. Educational and you get a real feel for the craft.


i’m a fan of Nico. his videos are entertaining. i don’t take them seriously but i do learn a lot from the watch industry watching his main channel and his “Nico Uncut” channel where he shows the reality of running his watch business. also the story of his success is inspiring for those who want to take the path of entrpreneurship. i recommend watching his interviews by other YouTubers to learn more about the person behind the loud mouth persona. see:

See I watch his alt content too! That's why I know he's not all about clicks, you just have to be in order to succeed on the algorithm, but I feel like there's a love and a passion for the industry that people don't see...


I love watching Marshall. He inspired me to have a go myself. Unfortunately that didn't work out too well! 😱


I love watching Marshall. He inspired me to have a go myself. Unfortunately that didn't work out too well! 😱

Wrist watch revival is my favorite watch YouTuber! He's awesome and I'm working up to getting into the watch maker side of things! How come it didn't go well?

For me his persona completely fails the test of "would I give this person the time of day if I encountered them in person."


He's squarely in the infotainment category.

I do like that he will get into the history of watches he's talking about.

& he doesn't take himself too seriously.


He's funny. He knows his stuff though. I wonder if Hublot has a Nico Leonard voodoo doll with a million pins stuck in the crotch.


Who ?


Clever way to manipulate someone to buy a watch off them because they no better 👎

I'm cool with a viewer, especially a new collector, being exposed to their options when the options are presented in a balanced way. That is what a "reviewer" does when they're attempting to be objective.

An "influencer" however tries to steer the viewer to buy or not buy a watch based on their own personal preferences (or who is paying them) which looks more like shilling and gatekeeping.

I'm always suspicious when a YouTuber knocks down one watch to elevate another. If a watch can't stand on it's own I don't want to hear about it otherwise it just seems like lazy click baiting.

The longer one has been collecting the less one needs a YouTuber to sort out what to add to their collection. 👍


I'm cool with a viewer, especially a new collector, being exposed to their options when the options are presented in a balanced way. That is what a "reviewer" does when they're attempting to be objective.

An "influencer" however tries to steer the viewer to buy or not buy a watch based on their own personal preferences (or who is paying them) which looks more like shilling and gatekeeping.

I'm always suspicious when a YouTuber knocks down one watch to elevate another. If a watch can't stand on it's own I don't want to hear about it otherwise it just seems like lazy click baiting.

The longer one has been collecting the less one needs a YouTuber to sort out what to add to their collection. 👍

Totally agree my friend 👌I only watch these days for new releases or general watches I love sometimes ones I own 🙄should just grab it and talk about myself,do like watching other people's collections but depends who and what I like rare pieces cool watches nothing fun about someone with 20 watches all look the same then they talk about how special it is because of the reference,rather see vintage crazy pieces I've never seen or cool pieces I've not heard of,funny because my collection says none of that 🙄😂did have a 1930s jump hour but was scared to wear it beautiful though and want another one in the future cartier one 🙏we can all dream


I watched a few of his YouTubes and decided that his grumpy shouting doesn't match my lifestyle. Kicked him.


I hate his thumbnails so I don't usually even watch the videos 😂


I have mixed feelings, he may help to get more people into watches because of his entertainment channel and I think he does have a lot of knowledge and is clearly passionate. But sometimes it’s just a bit too much and feels like this is to satisfy algorithms. The one channel I really love is the wristwatch revival , nothing but a workbench and an adventure in making a watch great again. Educational and you get a real feel for the craft.

speaking of Wristwatch Revival, this episode is a joy to watch 😘


I find him hilarious. Especially his tier lists. Take it for what it is, self promotion and brand building.


Well, as someone else pointed out, Nico is 36, which makes him a millennial (someone who was born between 1981 to 1996, though that's approximate so take the info with a grain of salt), but I couldn't blame him for doing clickbait stuff, it's CinemaSins fault that clickbait on YouTube is so common, and this isn't just in film criticism but in every other fields, including the the watch industry, but Nico is far better than CinemaSins, and that's saying something.

If you wonder why I point the finger at CinemaSins for the YouTube clickbait phenomena, watch this video by bobvids, even though it's about movie criticism, but it also applies to YouTube at large and the concept of critical thinking and intellectual honesty, which also overlap with the watch industry as well, probably:

Thank you for coming to my TED Talk, now just ignore the haters and just fucking live.


I'd say he is fun to watch with his crazy energy although I don't agree with all he says.


Yeah, sorry for bringing up Nico's age, but the CinemaSins cilckbait point still stands, because CinemaSins has ruined YouTube for everyone (watch the video I linked above to understand what I meant), genuine watch enthusiasts and collectors included.


I like the 'This Watch, That Watch' guy. Far more cerebral, analytical of the market, and the polar opposite in style and content to Nico's focus on vulgarity. Each to their own, I suppose.


He’s very entertaining 😀.

Luv watching his YouTube ch.


I think he is entertaining. Also I think he knows a lot about watches. All the watch YouTube-ers have a different taste so I watch multiple channels. They all have something to offer.


He can be entertaining if you just want to watch a light watch related video. You might find nice pieces you didn't know. The thing is having people like Teddy why would you go for that if you just want to learn


Not for me - strikes me as playing a character, but one who promotes negative aspects of collecting I am not a fan of seeing.